Ways To Get Your 10,000 Steps In

Setting a goal for activity is motivating. That’s why 10,000 daily steps became so popular. There’s no better place than Houston, Texas, if you want to walk. Sometimes weather, a busy schedule or other interruptions can deter you from your goal. Here are a few ways to increase your daily steps and some less obvious ways to get your 10,000 steps for the day.

You can break your daily goal into segments.

It’s a daily goal. That means you don’t have to do it all at once. Studies are constantly finding that what was previously believed about exercise and the body, isn’t necessarily true. Only a full hour of exercise at one time was considered adequate years ago. As more research occurred, changes were made to that hypothesis. It became clear that exercise could be broken down to sections of five, ten and more minute intervals, doing several throughout the day to reach a goal. Try to get a few extra steps in throughout the day.

Walk to lunch or use a trip to the store to boost your steps.

If having lunch near the office is an option, walk to lunch. Park further from stores and restaurants and walk the extra steps. Instead of making it your goal to park closest to the door, make it your goal to get in extra steps. Save the gas circling the area, too. If there’s a choice between taking the steps and an elevator or escalator, take the steps. Don’t just stand on the people movers, walk in conjunction with their movement if possible.

Pace while you wait.

Are you on the phone? Stand up and pace while you talk. It’s especially good if you’re on the phone a lot! How many times have you stood watching the microwave seconds tick by? Walk while it’s on, pace across the kitchen and back until it dings. Include pacing during commercials when you’re watching videos or TV. Are you getting together with people after work for a drink? Make that a water and a walk. You’ll be surprised at how many people actually want to increase their activity but don’t feel comfortable mentioning it.

  • You can even accomplish more and have relaxation, too. If you’re watching TV or videos, get up and do something, whether it’s loading the laundry or cleaning a small area, you’ll be getting more done and getting exercise.
  • Improve your daily house cleaning routine. Get up and put something away as soon as you’re done using it, even if you might use it later. Vacuum the floor more frequently to get in extra steps.
  • Take a few minutes every morning or evening and dance. It doesn’t matter how well you dance, just move. Make the song inspirational or one that puts a smile on your face.
  • You can vary your speed when you walk and make it a HIIT workout with a few minutes at high intensity and back down to recovery. Walking is a start, but you also need strength, flexibility and balance training. We can help you with ta complete program.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym



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