Why You Shouldn’t Eat After 8 Pm
Eating after 8 pm has always been discouraged by healthcare professionals in Houston, TX. There are valid reasons. Another school of thought says having a snack later in the evening or before bed might be beneficial. Some people need the boost from eating carbs before bedtime, or they can’t sleep. That doesn’t mean eating a big meal, just something light. It’s a survival instinct. If our distant ancestors had an empty stomach, they stayed awake to hunt for food so they didn’t starve. Eating a snack can avoid insomnia.
Eating later at night might cause you to gain weight.
It’s not about the time you eat, but the fact you’re extending your window to eat. It’s one reason intermittent fasting helps people lose weight. They don’t diet but limit their food consumption to six to eight hours. They eat what they choose but consume fewer calories and don’t feel hungry. You might gain weight when eating after 8 pm since your choice of food isn’t usually healthy. Most people eat unhealthy snacks and snacks instead of a salad or fresh fruit.
Late night eating may cause acid reflux and other health issues.
If you’re lying down after you eat food, there’s a big chance it won’t digest properly. Gravity helps digestion. It helps food move through the digestive system. Laying down also slows blood flow to your digestive tract and slows digestion. The pressure of the stomach muscles and your relaxed state can cause the sphincter muscle at the end of the esophagus to loosen and open. Acid reflux affects more than just your digestion and does more than create a sour taste in your mouth or minor chest pain. It can burn the esophagus, splash into the lungs, create dental issues, and cause sinus infections or a sore throat.
Digesting food can affect your circadian rhythm.
Your sleep/wake cycle is your circadian rhythm. It makes you wake up when the sun shines and get tired at night. It’s a body regulator. It affects insulin sensitivity. If your insulin sensitivity works properly, when your blood glucose is high, the body sends insulin, causing cells to open and uptake the glucose, lowering blood sugar levels. Insulin sensitivity is better during the day than it is at night. If you’re eating late, your body doesn’t use the energy. That can cause insulin resistance and lead to diabetes and weight gain.
- If you need to eat late, eat slightly less at other meals to offset the extra calories after eight that help you sleep sounder. Have healthy snacks ready.
- You might not need to eat much if you eat the right food. An ounce of almonds can increase serotonin and magnesium levels. Both encourage sleep.
- If you’re going to eat at night, avoid fatty foods, especially saturated fat, and foods that are difficult to digest. Both can affect your sleep quality by interrupting the first stage of sleep, NREM.
- Studies show that people who eat at night eat more calories per day. One study found people who consumed extra food between 11 pm and 5 am averaged 500 calories more per day than those who didn’t eat later.
For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym