Best Exercises To Get Your Heart Pumping

Endurance exercises are also called cardio workouts. The very term cardio indicates it is about exercising the heart. While all cardio workouts will do that, some are better than others. For example, running in place will work the heart, but lifting your knees higher while you do that will increase the effort. You can even turn strength-building workouts into cardiovascular ones. That causes the body to burn fat and build muscle as it works your heart.

Some traditional calisthenics can get your heart pumping.

Have you ever done several burpees in a row? If you have, then you’ll know they can leave you breathless with heart-beating results. The four-minute workout by Dr. Zachary Bush combines four exercises that will boost your circulation, lower your blood pressure, and improve your heart strength quickly. It’s eight sets of four exercises. The exercises include arm swings, no-jumping-jumping jacks, squats, and shoulder presses. Do the simple four-minute combinations several times a day. Doing other calisthenics with little rest between sets can also get your heart pumping.

Do HIIT workouts and turn your strength-building into a heart-pumping session.

HIIT—high intensity interval training—can boost cardiovascular strength quickly. It’s not a particular exercise, but a way of doing any workout. You alternate between peak intensity and a recovery pace. The peak intensity provides some of the benefit but you can’t keep it up for long, alternating the intensity allows you to do that. You can use it when you run, climb stairs, or do any workout for cardio and strength-building.

Jump rope for a cardio boost.

Jumping rope sounds simple but it takes a lot out of you. For increased cardio, use a speed jump rope or weighted rope. Jumping rope increases your heart rate quickly. You have to use several muscle groups at once to jump rope. Ten minutes of rope jumping for six weeks provides the same benefits as 30 minutes of running for the same length of time. It’s a low-impact exercise you can modify easily to make it more challenging.

  • Doing circuit training combines several exercises you do without resting much between sets. The exercises focus on different body parts. It works similarly to the four-minute workout and HIIT.
  • Consider using kettlebells to train. You’ll get cardio, strength, balance, and flexibility training simultaneously. The off-center nature of the kettlebell works the core muscles and makes it more difficult than traditional weightlifting workouts.
  • Have some fun when you workout and boost your cardiovascular system. Turn on the music and dance fast. While skateboarding and rollerblading aren’t as intense as running, you’ll probably do it longer because it’s fun.
  • Squat jumps, running up and down stairs, mountain climbers, and inchworms can be turned into workouts that burn a lot of calories and work your heart. Cut the rest time between sets.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym



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