Fitness & Wellness

Simple Changes For A Healthier Heart

Simple Changes For A Healthier Heart

If you want a longer life, keep your body healthier. Your heart plays an important role in your overall health and ability to function. Making small changes for a healthier heart also improves other areas of your body and allows you to be more active, which improves your heart health even more. It’s all connected and continuous. It’s never too late to get started, but the older you are, the slower the changes will occur. It’s all about living healthy every day.

Your heart needs a workout regularly to be its strongest, just as all muscles do.

When you workout, muscles get stronger, including the heart. Besides getting stronger, it gets more efficient, too. Exercising increases circulation throughout the body, including to the heart. That improves the dilation of the arteries that send blood to the heart. The more dilated your arteries are, the lower your blood pressure is. Since high blood pressure can lead to heart disease, lower blood pressure is important. The longer you workout, the better your heart muscle becomes at getting oxygen from the blood and the more your body controls the sympathetic nervous system.

Eating healthier is another change you can make for your heart.

At first, it may not seem changing your diet is simple, but it really can be. Don’t overthink it. Just start by cutting out processed foods and foods that contain white flour and added sugar. It’s simple, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. Those two changes can make a huge difference in your health. While most physicians recommend a low sodium diet for lowering blood pressure and a healthy heart, a low sugar diet is just as beneficial. Add more fruits and vegetables to your meals and choose them in a rainbow of colors.

Fat has been vilified, but it’s necessary for a healthy heart.

People often mistakenly choose low fat or no fat foods to help their heart, but those same foods are often high in added sugar to make them palatable. You need healthy fat in your diet. In fact, butter made from milk from grass fed cows improves heart health, since it contains higher amounts of CLA—conjugated linoleic acid—which is heart healthy. It also is high in omega3 fatty acids, another heart healthy fat. Unsaturated fat helps boost healthy blood cholesterol levels and reduce unhealthy ones.

  • Keep moving. If you sit longer than fifty minutes in a row, you could be wiping out the benefits of exercise and eroding your health if you don’t exercise. Get up and move for five minutes every 50-55 minutes.
  • Reduce your exercise time and boost your endurance with high intensity interval training—HIIT. Studies show HIIT can get you into shape faster. It’s a technique that can be used with any exercise. You workout at top intensity for minute or two and then the same amount of time in recovery mode.
  • Learn to relax and eliminate the effects of stress. Learning simple techniques like meditation and breathing exercises can help reduce stress. Stress takes a toll on your heart health.
  • Get adequate sleep. Not only does lack of sleep cause you to gain weight by diminishing leptin, the hormone that makes you feel full and increasing ghrelin, the one that makes you hungry, it’s also heart healthy.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym

Not All "Fats" Are Created Equal

Not All “Fats” Are Created Equal

We provide nutritional guidance at Rising Fitness in Houston, TX. When people see fats in their nutritional plan, they are often surprised. In fact, many have been consuming low fat or no fat foods, which actually sabotages their weight loss. There are three main categories for fat, saturated, unsaturated and trans fats. Unsaturated fat is liquid at room temperature, while saturated fat is solid. Saturated and unsaturated fat are easily found in nature, but most trans fats are man-made with just a small amount naturally occurring.

Are some of these fats healthier than others?

Trans fats are definitely unhealthy. They are the hydrogenated products that were created to have longer shelf life, like margarine and shortening, and touted as a healthier option than butter or other natural sources. Saturated fat has been given the label of unhealthy for the heart, but new studies are showing it’s not. Unsaturated fat has been touted as the healthiest. It has two classifications within that category, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. Within the polyunsaturated category there are fatty acids, omega3 and omega6 are polyunsaturated, while omega9 is monounsaturated. You need all types of fat—EXCEPT trans fats.

Fat can help you lose weight.

No matter what type of fat you eat, it keeps you feeling fuller longer. Fat is high in calories, but gives you a feeling of satiety. When you eat healthy fat, you aren’t eating carbs and converting your body to a fat burning machine. Fat doesn’t spike insulin production as carbs do. Less insulin means your body needs to access the stores of fat in your body. It conditions your body to burn fat, while helping you to consume fewer calories. If you eat fat-free foods, the fat is often replaced with sugar, which can cause you to gain weight.

Each type of fat has its own benefits for the body, except trans fats.

Saturated fat can strengthen the bones, help create cell membranes, protect the liver, boost the immune system and protect you from harmful microorganisms in the digestive system. Unsaturated fat help decrease LDL and cholesterol levels, aid in preventing plaque build-up in the arteries. Monounsaturated fat raises the good cholesterol levels—HDL—which also helps prevent plaque and improve bone health. Omega3, a polyunsaturated fatty acid, helps prevent platelet clotting and blocking arteries, reducing the risk of hardening of the arteries, while providing protection from irregular heartbeats. Omega3 also helps improve brain functioning and improve liver health. Both Omega3 and Omega 6 reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke, while also improving your skin.

  • Your body needs a balance of Omega6 to Omega3 in a ratio of 1:1 to fight inflammation and reduce the risk of disease, but most American diets provide a ratio of 16:1. One study showed too much Omega6 can cause aggressive behavior.
  • Foods high in polyunsaturated fat include fatty fish, such as salmon, flaxseed and walnuts. Avocados are high in monounsaturated fat, as is peanut butter. Healthy foods with saturated fat include cheese and dark chocolate.
  • The British Journal of Nutrition published a study in 2009, which showed that people who had the highest consumption of unsaturated fatty acid had lower BMIs and the smallest amount of belly fat.
  • To reduce blood pressure and blood cholesterol, increase polyunsaturated fats in your diet, which includes food like Brazil nuts. Control blood sugar levels with monounsaturated fat like cod liver oil and peanut butter.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym

Are Artificial Sweeteners Worse Than Sugar?

Are Artificial Sweeteners Worse Than Sugar?

As a society, we’re addicted to sugar. It seems like extra sugar is added to all processed foods. Approximately 80% of all food on the grocery shelf contains it. As a result, sugar related illnesses like type2 diabetes, heart disease and fatty liver disease have increased. Obesity has become the leading cause of preventable deaths. To combat that, artificial sweeteners have flooded the market and become almost as prevalent in diets as sugar. There is a problem. We may be replacing one health enemy for a new one. Could sugar actually be healthier?

Artificial sweeteners can affect your hormones.

You may be still packing on the pounds, yet have substituted all sugar containing foods for ones with artificial sweeteners. There’s a reason that can happen. Artificial sweeteners contain between 200 and 600 times the sweetness as sugar, which can dull the taste buds, requiring more sweetness to get that sweet taste. Studies show it can slow your metabolism by affecting hormones. Some studies show artificial sweeteners can increase the risk of stroke, heart problems, type 2 diabetes and even make bad changes in your microbiome that affect your whole body.

There are different results from different types of artificial sweeteners.

Artificial sweeteners include a wide variety of products, with each having their own negatives and positives on how they react with your body and brain. They include acesulfame, neotame, aspartame, saccharin, and sucralose. They trick your brain into thinking it ate something sweet, but don’t provide satiety. Just like sugar, artificial sweeteners trigger the area of the brain, making them both addictive. It also interrupts the body’s natural response to sugar, which is to prepare for increased blood glucose. That causes the body to stop signaling and results in weight gain and higher blood glucose levels.

New studies show that artificial sweeteners can increase viscous fat.

Diet soft drinks are often the most prevalent place people consume artificial sweeteners, so scientists used that to study the effect they had on the waistline. A large circumference is indicative of viscous fat, which is associated with many types of conditions and diseases. It’s the worst possible fat, since it’s hard to lose and crowds organs. It showed that those who drank the most diet soft drink, had the largest waistline. Another study showed drinks with artificial sweeteners increased the risk of metabolic disease by 36% and type 2 diabetes by 67%.

  • Your microbiome affect many of bodily functions and your digestion, including mental processing. Artificial sweeteners can cause a disruption and change in your microbiome that affects your health.
  • Not only are artificial sweeteners in food like salad dressing, alcoholic beverages, snack foods and candy, it’s in children’s chewable vitamins, toothpaste and mouthwash. Even nicotine gum for those trying to kick the smoking habit, contains artificial sweeteners.
  • Aspartame has been linked to “brain tumors, mental retardation, birth defects, epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, fibromyalgia, and diabetes,” according to Flying Safety, the United States Air Force official publication.
  • Rather than choosing either products with added sugar or ones with artificial sweeteners, consider giving up added sweetness of all types. It takes a while, but eventually you’ll find the true sweet taste of fruits and that they fill your need for something sweet.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym

Workout And Relieve Stress

Workout And Relieve Stress

Sometimes when you’re done with your daily responsibilities, you may feel totally stressed out and just want to watch TV or videos. While it might feel good to engulf yourself in the story, it won’t help you relieve the stress you feel. What should you do instead to relieve stress? The answer is simple, just workout. Try it sometime and you’ll see. It doesn’t have to be a traditional workout, just running up and down stairs or going for a brisk walk can help lower stress levels and make you feel great.

What does stress do to the body?

Stress causes the body to change. Your brain creates hormones when you’re stressed and those prepare you to run or fight. The fight or flight response was important for early man, when stress was caused by real danger, like wild animal attacks. Today, much of our stress comes from traffic jams, an angry boss or just the chaos of everyday life. The brain doesn’t care. It still sends out the same hormones and makes the changes to get you ready for running or fighting, even though the situation doesn’t call for it. These hormones increase the blood to extremities so you can run or fight, dilate the eyes to see better, increase heart rate and blood pressure, slowing blood flow to other areas, like the organs for digestion.

How does exercise help?

Since stress changes the body to run or fight, running and fighting causes it to burn off the hormones. Exercise mimics those activities. When you’re working out, you’re doing exactly what it takes to eliminate the hormones of stress and increase the hormones that make you feel good and act like natural pain killers, something else important if you’ve just fought off a saber-toothed tiger.

Not all stress is easy to identify or eliminate.

Danger can be real or perceived. We all understand how getting screamed at by the boss can be stressful, but what about people that are afraid of a tiny spider? That doesn’t make sense. Have you ever felt stressed and scared just watching a movie or waking up from a nightmare? Your brain doesn’t differentiate between real and imagined, just as it doesn’t differentiate between fighting and exercise.

  • Exercise increases circulation, which can help clear your brain and make you more alert from the extra oxygen and nutrient laden blood. It relieves muscle tension and that goes a long way to relieving stress.
  • While exercise is important, so is healthy eating. No matter how much you exercise, if your diet is filled with sugary treats, your body will react with stress from the spikes and valleys of blood sugar levels.
  • If you’re feeling anxious, studies show that exercise can help. In fact, it’s used as an adjacent therapy for anxiety and depression. In some studies, exercise was used as a replacement for medication.
  • An imbalance of your gut microbiome—the microbes in your digestive tract—can affect your emotions. Exercise can help increase the beneficial bacteria, so can a healthy diet that includes prebiotics like fiber.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym

Let's Teach Our Kids To Be Healthy

Let’s Teach Our Kids To Be Healthy

While it’s normal for children to run like wild animals when playing and be active, it’s not necessarily how it is today. We are a nation of screens and video games and kids are caught up in the technology. Today, we have to take an active role to ensure that our kids get the activity they need. We have to do the same as adults, since manual labor has been replaced by modern machinery. How do you teach kids to be healthy? It starts by being a good role model.

You have to motivate your kids and what better way than playing with them?

It’s not always easy to find time to play with your children. You may still be at work when they get home from school, then there’s the dinnertime hassle and before you know it, it’s bedtime. One way to help is our kids club and youth program. They can come to the gym the same time as you do and both of you will get fit. Carving out time specifically each night to shoot hoops, ride bikes, play red light/green light or do hula hoops, for example, can create more than a healthy lifestyle for your kids, it creates bonds.

Save time with meal prep and let the kids help.

Have you ever tried meal planning and prep? You create a meal plan for the week, create a list of ingredients, shop on one night and then when you have time, usually on the weekend, cook all the meals for the week. We provide meal plans with our app with meals the kids can help prepare ahead. Meal prep can make mealtime easier, since all you have to do is heat it and serve. Kids can help. Nothing tastes better than a meal you helped create, so give them a starring role in the dinner.

Have water in the refrigerator ready to drink and cut out the sugary drinks.

Sometimes, having a drink already in the fridge can make it more appetizing. If your kids don’t like water, try infused water. You can make a wide variety of flavors without added sugar and even create ice cubes with fruit inside it. Steer clear of soft drinks and even fruit juice. While it might seem healthy and is better than soft drinks, fruit juice is high in sugar and doesn’t have the healthy fiber of the whole fruit. Infused water or water and the whole fruit is far better.

  • Combine the physical with the mental and learn about the wild life and plants before hiking or take a walk at the Houston Botanical Garden. Visiting the Museum District and stopping at the Health Museum can provide a great education.
  • Have healthy snacks in the refrigerator ready to eat after school or bagged in individual servings on the counter. Whether it’s cubed watermelon, a bag of nuts or homemade trail mix, they’ll learn healthy eating.
  • Set a bedtime and stick with it, for both you and your child. Getting adequate sleep is extremely important, so get them started out right, while you also break bad habits.
  • Make household chores part of your routine together. Cleaning house can be fun if you put your muscles into it. When you have helpers, it can also save time to do other activities with the kids.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym

A Holistic Approach To Fitness

A Holistic Approach To Fitness

The minute you enter Rising Fitness in Houston, TX, you’ll realize that we’re different. We take a holistic approach to fitness that’s based on each person’s individual needs. If you’re already eating healthy, but have a difficult time with stress and don’t get nearly enough exercise, there’s no reason to focus on your diet. We talk to clients to find the best ways to help them. While the person with a healthy diet may get a few tips, we’ll focus more on the problems he or she faces, stress and a sedentary lifestyle.

Creating an exercise program shouldn’t be a one-size-fits-all project.

There are four types of fitness, endurance, strength, balance and flexibility. You need all four to be your fittest. Some people may be quite strong, but unable to run more than a block. Others might have great endurance when running and even be quite flexible, but don’t focus on strength building or balance. You need all four. Flexibility increases range of motion, balance helps prevent injury, endurance is good for your cardiovascular system and strength-building helps prevent injuries and reduces the risk of osteoporosis.

A healthy diet does more than just help you lose weight.

If you’re eating healthy, your plate is filled with vegetables in a rainbow of colors. Knowing the best combinations to ensure your diet contains all the nutrients your body requires can be important. If you’re under stress, part of the problem and part of the solution can be found in your diet. You may not have to lose weight, but you also may not be giving your body the nutrients it requires. Healthy eating should include foods high in nutrients, like vitamin C, which is often depleted when you’re under stress. It shouldn’t include foods high in added sugar that can actually add to your stress.

There are more factors to living a healthy lifestyle.

Lack of sleep and inadequate hydration can interfere with your good health. Too often people neglect their sleep to put more time into work, only to find that simple tasks at work take far longer than expected. Adequate hydration is so simple, you’d think it wouldn’t be a problem, yet it is for some people. Even mild dehydration can cause exhaustion, a headache, constipation and confusion, among other problems. Both ensuring adequate sleep and hydration are extremely important to good health.

  • Inadequate exposure to the sun can cause a vitamin D deficiency. Too much sun without sunblock can cause cancer, but safe sunning that’s timed can boost your health, especially since it’s hard to get vitamin D from the food you eat.
  • Friendships and a sense of community are important, according to a variety of studies. People with a good social life tend to live longer and healthier.
  • Good recovery techniques can improve your fitness level. When you recover rapidly, you’re ready for your next workout and even look forward to it.
  • Including the family in your journey can help everyone enjoy good health. It can be a bond that ties a family together. Getting children on the path to fitness with an active lifestyle, healthy diet and other good habits is important.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym

Are You Ready For Summer?

Are You Ready For Summer?

If you’ve put your winter clothing to the back of your closet and started focusing on the more revealing summer attire, it’s one step toward getting ready for summer. If those clothes don’t quite fit right or show every bulge, you need to make some changes in your life so you can have that summer fun in the sun and enjoy every minute at the beach or pool. Getting ready for summer isn’t just about how you look, it’s also about how you feel and boosting your energy level.

Walk away from that pastry.

That’s two great pieces of advice in one. You need to avoid pastry and focus on healthier eating, while increasing your daily exercise, which includes walking. Starting a healthy program means deciding what you want to achieve. Do you want to lose weight? Tone muscles? Or just have more energy? Identify your goals that will make this summer memorable and fun. Once you know what you want, you can start a program that will help you achieve it. Our training programs that include both exercise and healthy eating, can get you on the track to success.

All fitness goals start with a program of healthy eating.

I can’t say enough about how food affects your health and your fitness goals. If you want to lose weight, gain weight or just have more energy, what you eat makes a huge difference. If your diet is jam-packed with high sugar food and drink, you’ll end up tired by mid-day, with health issues and with weight problems. Just cutting out sugar, refined white flour products and highly processed foods or fried foods and substituting fresh fruit and vegetables can make a huge difference.

Get moving.

It’s spring and a time of renewal. Get out and enjoy the weather before it gets too hot. If you’re not quite ready for a formal exercise program, make it a habit to walk at least 30-minutes a day. You can even break it up to three ten-minute sessions and still get benefit. Take that a step further and start a workout program for faster results. Don’t worry if you’re completely out of shape. We develop a program that’s personalized and based on your goals, special needs and fitness level.

  • If you’re confused about how to reach your goals, we’re ready to help and streamline the process. Our nutritional program is easy to follow and our personal trainers will guide you to fitness.
  • Getting fit can be fun. Spend time in active play with your family. Shoot hoops with the kids. Go for a hike. Ride bikes or go out for a night of dancing. It doesn’t all have to take place in a gym.
  • Winners keep score. Track your progress. When you workout at Rising Fitness, we do that for you and help you identify ways to achieve your goals faster.
  • Don’t waste another summer wishing you’d done something so you could enjoy all the fun. It’s never too late to start on the road to fitness. You’ll feel better about yourself the minute you begin.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym

Weight Loss Myths

Weight Loss Myths

If you’re tired of all those weight loss myths, magic diets and ridiculous “get thin quickly” schemes you find on the internet? Many of my clients at Rising Fitness in Houston, TX were and came to get sound advice that really worked. We use science-backed training and an individual approach. No two people are alike and that should be reflected in their weight loss program. Some gyms and trainers do a one size fits all approach, which doesn’t work for everyone.

Just counting carbs and calories isn’t enough.

A calorie is a standardized measure of energy provided by a specific food. Any energy your body doesn’t burn is converted to fat for later use. When you count calories, you attempt to keep the calorie intake lower than the number of calories you burn. That doesn’t mean all calories are equal. There’s a lot of difference between eating 400 calories of a quality protein food and 400 calories from a simple carb. Protein goes through a different digestive process that causes you to feel fuller longer, while boosting your metabolism and aiding in the weight loss function. Calories from carbs like fruits and vegetables come with nutrients that help weight loss, while carbs from donuts with the same number of calories don’t. What you eat is more important than how many calories or carbs you eat.

Don’t weigh yourself daily or expect the same weight loss every week.

Weighing yourself every day, even if it’s at the same time, can be quite discouraging. If you expect to lose weight at a level rate, you’ll be discouraged quickly. A lot of things can affect how much weight you lose. Water weight affects weight loss and the amount of muscle you gained affects it, too. Judge your efforts over several weeks. If you’re doing everything right, you’ll be successful.

You need more than exercise to lose weight.

While working out is part of getting healthier and losing weight, what you eat makes a huge difference. In fact, there’s a saying that a great body starts in the kitchen. Weight loss is all about calories in vs calories burned and having all the nutrients to keep you torching calories. When you eat healthy and time your snacks to complement your workout, you’ll get more from your workout and lose weight faster. You need both a health diet and a program of exercise, which is why we focus on both.

  • One of the most prevalent myths is that you have to starve yourself to lose weight. The opposite is actually true. A super low calorie diet can actually lower your metabolism and make weight loss harder.
  • Some people focus on aerobic exercise for weight loss and skip other types of workouts. Aerobic training may burn calories, but they’re from both fat and muscle tissue. When you lose muscle tissue, your metabolism slows. Use all types of training, particularly strength training, for weight loss.
  • Instead of choosing special “diet foods” at the grocery, opt for more whole foods that have less processing is best. Even diet drinks can be a trap. Recent studies show diet soft drinks can actually cause you to put on belly fat.
  • Don’t fall for those television commercials that tell you that weight loss comes without effort by just taking a pill. Many of those “magic pills” come with a recommended low calorie diet and that’s really why you lose weight. The pills only make your wallet thinner.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym

How Many Times Should You Workout A Week?

How Many Times Should You Workout A Week?

If you’ve wondered how often to workout a week, you might be asking the wrong question or have missing information, like what types of workouts should you do and should they be varied. While it’s true that working out at least three days a week is a great start, you can actually do more and get good results, but not if you’re doing the same type of exercise every day.

You need all types of training.

If you’re only doing cardio, you’re not doing yourself a favor. You need a variety of training to achieve fitness in all areas, strength, balance, flexibility and endurance, also known as cardio. You need balance when you workout. If you do strength training every day, you’ll actually be doing your body a disservice. Your body needs at least 48 hours to recover, since strength training causes micro tears in the muscles. If you don’t have that time for your body to heal, it can cause muscle loss and set you back, rather than aid you in achieving your goals.

Start slower and add to your workout.

If you haven’t worked out for a while, you shouldn’t start by planning to work out at high intensity for an hour a day. It’s better to start slowly and work up toward a tougher workout. The reason is simple. Those initial workouts prepare your body and get it ready for tougher ones. If you do too much initially, you’ll either end up sore, which can lead to skipping the next workout, or injured, which leads to skipping the next month of workouts. Starting with a half-hour three days a week and building up to an hour, can help boost your chances for success.

Supplementing your workout can be quite beneficial.

If you’re working hard in the gym or online three days a week doing flexibility training and strength training, with a touch of cardio, there’s nothing wrong with going for a walk on those days off or doing yoga. Those types of workouts help you stretch your muscle groups and participate in active recovery. They’re easy on the body, but increase circulation to boost the healing of muscle tissue.

  • At The Worx, we can provide a program of healthy eating and exercise designed specifically for you. You won’t overwork your body, but will get in the right amount of exercise to see the transformation faster.
  • The longer you participate in a fitness program, the more days a week you can exercise, as long as it’s not all strength training. For the average person who isn’t a bodybuilder, strength training should never be done two days in a row.
  • No matter what your workout program, the key to success is consistency. Even the best program created by a personal trainer won’t work if you don’t do it on a consistent basis.
  • If you’re unsure where to begin, at The Worx, we offer two weeks of free at home training. You’ll get zoom workouts, meal plans and so much more, which takes the confusion out of how many days a week to train.

For more information, contact us today at Team Worx Fitness!

Is Your BMI Really A Good Measure Of Your Health?

What is BMI? BMI stands for body mass index and is a ratio of height to weight based on sex and sometimes age. It’s just one quick measure of your overall health. BMI is a chart with your height at the side, weight in the middle, and the corresponding BMI at the top of the chart. The BMI formula is (weight in pounds x 703) / (height in inches x height in inches). Putting the information on a chart cuts through calculation time and makes it easy for doctors to take a quick assessment. It’s not a stand-alone test and requires other information.

The amount of muscle you have makes a difference.

If a patient is a bodybuilder or other muscular person, the doctor might make a rash assessment of obesity before seeing the patient. That’s because muscle tissue weighs more per cubic inch than fat tissue. If two people were the same height and weight, but one was muscular and the other wasn’t, the muscular person would look thinner. The muscular person would probably be healthier than the one who wasn’t. The healthcare professional would know the difference when they saw them. Insurance companies often require a photograph of a person with a high BMI due to muscle tissue to avoid paying more for life insurance. A large body frame, dense bones, pregnancy, and age can skew BMI.

There are better ways to identify health risks than BMI.

A waist measurement is a better indication of overall health. For men, a waist larger than 40.2 inches has a greater chance of diabetes. The measurement for women indicating the same is 34.6 inches. That’s because fat around the waist is visceral fat. It’s the most dangerous type and the most difficult to lose. It crowds the organs and causes inflammation.

A high BMI leads the doctor to explore health issues by taking other tests.

A high BMI may be the reason for breathing problems or sleep apnea, which can lead to COPD, heart disease, and diabetes. It can indicate a risk for arthritis, liver disease, some types of cancer, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure, too. It’s not a good indicator of the health of children or seniors. Doctors use it as a place to start and other factors, like personal observation.

One study showed that BMI wasn’t a good indicator of cardiac health. It didn’t indicate whether the patient would have a healthy cardiometabolic profile containing blood sugar, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels.

A better indicator of health is the RFM—relative fat mass index. It uses the formula for men of 64-(20 x height/waist circumference) and women 76-(20 x height/waist circumference).

Better indicators of body density are MRI scans and underwater weighing. The problem is that they are too costly for widespread use.

The range for normal is between 18 and 24. For overweight individuals, the BMI number range is from 25 to 29. The range between 30 and 39 is obese and 40 and higher is extremely obese.