Fitness & Wellness

Best Leg Workouts For Definition

You may be using winter as an excuse to cover every inch of your body with clothing, including your legs. Spring and summer are just around the corner. Before you know it, it’s short and swimsuit season again. That means it’s the perfect time to start toning your legs and give them more definition. These leg workouts are the way to do it. You’ll get great results if you’re consistent. You can trim your thighs, tone your calves, and get rid of cankles in less than an hour every other day.

You can reduce cellulite and tone your thighs for a slimmer look in shorts and jeans.

Cellulite won’t completely disappear from exercise, but you can make it far smoother and less noticeable when you strengthen and tone the muscle tissues. Squats and lunges can help you do that. There are all types of squats to work different muscles and work muscles on different planes. A goblet squat starts with feet wider. Instead of knees going straight ahead when you squat, you push them out to the side. They work the inner thighs and regular squats work the outer thighs and the rest of the legs. Lunges are also good for the thighs and have several variations, like the side lunge.

Tone all parts of your legs, front, back, and sides.

Doing jumping plyometric squats is hard, but well worth the effort. It’s a variation of the squat. Jump up, then drop down into a squat position. Immediately jump up again and repeat in rapid succession. You’ll be out of breath but will work every muscle in your leg. Jumping lunges are similar to walking lunges, but instead of walking forward in a lunge position, you jump as you switch the forward leg to the back and the back leg forward.

You can tone your calves while you tone your ankles.

Many of the same exercises for your calves also improve the ankles. Calf raises can help tone the ankles. Calf raises can be hard to do at first. Start with simple calf raises, standing with feet shoulder-width apart. Push your weight down onto the balls of your feet while raising your body by lifting your heels. Once you have the technique, you can hold weights for weighted calf raises or do calf raises on stairs. You can even do seated calf raises.

To work the entire leg, leg circles are excellent. Lay on your back with your legs straight. Lift one leg, pointing the toe toward the ceiling, and make large circles, first clockwise and then counterclockwise.

If you’re overweight, losing weight should be part of your program to tone your legs. No matter how toned your legs are, if you have excess weight, it will make it impossible to see your hard work.

You can tone your legs by taking the steps instead of the elevator. You’ll also burn calories and build aerobic endurance. Running up the stairs may seem difficult, but don’t be fooled. Running back down tones your legs too.

Jumping rope is another at-home leisure activity you can do to tone your legs. It helps tone the ankles, thighs, and calves. Planks are also excellent for leg toning and toning the entire body.

How To Overcome Gym Anxiety

How To Overcome Gym Anxiety

How many times have you vowed to start working out and decide you’ll join a gym the next day, but you don’t? It may be a lack of confidence or fear of working out that’s causing gym anxiety and stopping you in your tracks. Many people fear being judged by others, especially if they aren’t in shape or overweight. Perfectionists also fear going to the gym. They fear they won’t be able to do each exercise perfectly. All of this can cause anxiety and stop you from becoming a healthier, fitter version of yourself.

Gym anxiety can start after a physical illness or injury.

After a serious illness or injury, many people are reluctant to workout. It’s a particularly well-known problem for people who have just suffered a heart attack. If the doctor recommends you start exercising, but you’re afraid to exercise, work with a personal trainer. The same is true of people who are returning after an injury. Let the trainer know everything about your condition so they can tailor the workout to safely fit your needs. .

Don’t be ashamed of where you’re at today, just focus on where you’ll be in a year.

Some people worry too much about what others will think. They worry they’re too fat or too uncoordinated and won’t be able to do all the exercises. Some people who were once in shape are ashamed of themselves and think others will think badly of them too. The truth is, in most cases, none of this will happen. Most people are so focused on their workout that they don’t watch others. Many of these people have gone or are going through the same anxiety as you are. Once you realize that, you’ll overcome gym anxiety.

Gym anxiety can occur if you aren’t sure what to do.

Uncertainty may occur if you’re unfamiliar with the gym procedures and etiquette. That’s easy to solve. Ask lots of questions before joining. Find out what a typical visit to the gym would be like, including where you change. Get as familiar with the new gym as possible by checking online or taking a tour. Hiring a trainer can provide structure and help you develop your exercise expertise, including showing you the right form for every exercise.

  • You may have anxiety if the gym is crowded and noisy. After the pandemic, many people fear crowds. The staff can help you find a time that has less traffic or you can work with a trainer in private sessions.
  • Having a friendly face and someone to talk with at the gym can be reassuring and help you overcome gym anxiety. Exercise with a friend. You’ll be far less intimidated and uncomfortable when you’re with someone else who is also new.
  • You can relieve anxiety by permitting yourself to leave after a few exercises the first few times. It won’t take long before you’ll stay for the whole workout.
  • Overcome gym anxiety by going to the gym, even if you force yourself the first few times. Your anxiety will diminish with each visit and eventually be just a memory.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym

Do Hormones Affect My Weight Loss?

Do Hormones Affect My Weight Loss?

If you’re frustrated because you can’t seem to lose weight, even though you believe you’re doing everything right, your hormones might be interfering with your weight loss. In many cases, people simply don’t realize how much they’ve eaten, which is why an exercise and food diary is so important. In some cases, however, the problem can come from hormonal imbalances. You can realign most imbalances naturally to help weight loss begin again.

You have far more hormones than just sex hormones.

Most people think of estrogen, testosterone, and progesterone when they hear the word hormones, but there are far more than just those three sex hormones. Hormones are messengers that trigger a variety of responses. Most hormones have another hormone that does the opposite job. For instance, glucagon increases blood sugar levels, while insulin decreases it. Leptin is the satiety hormone that tells you that you’re full and ghrelin is the hunger hormone that keeps you eating. Too much of one type of hormone can affect all areas of your body, including your weight.

If you don’t get enough sleep, you’ll produce more ghrelin and less leptin.

Since ghrelin makes you hungry and leptin makes you feel full, you can see how an imbalance in those two can negatively affect weight loss. To rebalance, you need to get more sleep. Too much insulin can cause insulin resistance. That makes it harder to open the cells to uptake glucose and causes even more insulin to rush to the rescue. It makes the problem worse. Excess insulin can cause the accumulation of belly fat. Higher amounts of insulin allow the body to store fat better, which accumulates on the belly.

An excess of the stress hormone cortisol can also lead to belly fat.

Just like excess insulin, there’s a link to an excess of cortisol and belly fat. You can control both cortisol and insulin by exercising regularly. It doesn’t have to be strenuous, although you’ll burn more calories when you do a HIIT workout or lift heavier weights. Cortisol is part of the fight or flight response. It prepares the body to do both. Exercise mimics fighting or running, so it burns off the stress hormones. Changing either one can help you lose weight.

  • Cutting sugar and food with added sugar from your diet can make a difference in hormones. A high-sugar diet affects insulin levels, cortisol, and the thyroid. It can slow metabolism and add to weight gain.
  • Sex hormonal imbalances can occur during menopause. Eating a Mediterranean-style diet and exercising can help. Cutting out coffee and food with added sugar, increasing fruits and vegetables, and consuming healthy fat also helps.
  • Stress can affect all the hormones in your body. Learning ways to reduce stress levels can improve weight loss. It may be one reason yoga helps and is a reason exercise works.
  • Dehydration increases the risk of hormonal imbalances, particularly cortisol levels. Hydrate frequently. Water and green tea are good. Green tea aids in weight loss and contains L-theanine, which helps reduce stress hormones.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym

The Difference Between Table And Himalayan Salt

The Difference Between Table And Himalayan Salt

If you haven’t heard about Himalayan salt, it’s the pink salt that many believe is healthier than table salt. It comes from an area near the Himalayas that’s in Pakistan. The color is natural due to minerals it contains that were deposited millions of years ago. The additional minerals are also why people think it’s healthier than regular table salt. Unfortunately, there’s not much evidence backing that belief or opposing it. Are there enough minerals? Is it worth the effort and extra price?

Salt is sodium chloride—HCL.

If you made a list of salt from the most processed to the most unprocessed, Kosher salt would be the most processed followed by iodized table salt, sea salt, Maldon Sea salt—a type of delicate finishing salt, Himalayan Sea salt, and finally the least processed, fleur de sel. All these types of salt are primarily sodium chloride—HCL. The highly processed types have impurities removed and additional ingredients, like anti-caking substances or iodine, added.

It’s the natural harvesting of pink Himalayan salt that allows the trace elements to remain.

There are estimates of up to 84 different trace elements and minerals in Himalayan salt. One of the most responsible for the pink color is the iron it contains. It’s harvested by hand and minimally processed to retain those impurities and commands a higher price because of them. Besides being used in food, large blocks are used for salt lamps and candle holders with the belief they impart health benefits, such as improving sleep quality.

You get more minerals and less sodium with Himalayan salt.

Himalayan salt is often coarsely ground so you need more to get the same salty flavor. If you use one teaspoon of Himalayan salt compared to one teaspoon of regular table salt, you’ll decrease the amount of sodium in your diet. It’s not ground as finely, so it isn’t packed as tightly as table salt. Since it’s not processed as much, it contains beneficial mineral impurities. They can help balance electrolytes and support better sleep.

  • One thing Himalayan salt does not contain is iodine that many people require to avoid thyroid issues like goiters or birth defects if the deficiency occurs during pregnancy.
  • Some people believe that the blend of the minerals in Himalayan salt is perfect and allows the body to absorb each nutrient more efficiently. They also believe that its trace minerals help promote cellular hydration.
  • Himalayan salt lamps, salt caves, and inhalers are popular for people with respiratory problems, including allergies and asthma. They believe it cleans the respiratory pathways and eliminates many allergy symptoms.
  • Himalayan salt is used for cooking, creating lamps and platforms to cook on, and as a beauty aid for exfoliation. It’s a good scrub, exfoliating the skin gently, leaving it smooth and soft.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym

How Many Carbs Should I Eat Daily?

How Many Carbs Should I Eat Daily?

There are so many different diets people in Houston, TX, recommend that it’s difficult to find one that’s best for you. One popular diet is the Keto or extremely low carbohydrate diet that puts your body into a state of ketosis. Other lower carbohydrate diets aren’t as drastic and allow the individual to include more carbohydrates in meals. Which one is the best? How many carbs should you have daily? There is no one correct answer. It’s all about individual needs.

Low carbohydrate diets use a percentage of overall calories to determine carbs.

There are three macronutrients. They are fat, protein, and carbohydrates. Typically, healthy diets allow between 45% and 65% of the calories to come from carbohydrates. The calories from carbs in low-carb diets are less than 40%. How do you translate calories into grams of carbs? It’s simple. One gram of carbohydrate is four calories. If you’re on a low-carb diet with 30% of your calories from carbs and you need to eat 2000 calories, multiply the calories by 30%. The answer is 600 calories. Now divide that by 4, since there are four calories per gram. The answer is 150 grams of carbs.

Your body needs carbohydrates.

The body uses carbohydrates for energy. The theory behind a low carbohydrate d is that it forces the body to use fat for energy, but you still need carbohydrates. Healthy carbohydrates provide nutrients your body requires. Carbohydrates offer fiber, phytonutrients, vitamins, and minerals often not found in protein or fats. Carbohydrates are a good source of fiber, which helps protect and improve the gut microbiome. Beneficial microbes in the gut that help the body function properly consume soluble fiber. Many healthy carbohydrates provide vitamins and minerals you can’t get from other types of food.

It’s all about the type of carb you choose.

When you consider how you calculate the number of grams of carbs necessary, it makes sense to that selecting healthier options is almost automatic. There are 3.9 grams of carbs in a tomato and.79.7 carbs in a slice of cake. You could eat 20 tomatoes and still have fewer calories than you would in that slice of cake. A healthy low-carb diet is about choosing the most nutritious option that’s lowest in carbs.

  • If you wonder how many calories there are in the other two macronutrients, gram of fat contains nine calories. One gram of protein contains four calories.
  • An average low-carb diet contains from 25 to 200 grams of carbs daily. That provides between 100 to 800 calories from carbohydrates.
  • Most food is a combination of fat, protein, and carbs. You can’t find the number of carbs by simply dividing by 4. That’s because food like shakes and pastries also contain protein and fat.
  • Cutting carbs too low can leave you feeling tired. Many people call it the keto flu. If you’re going on a low-carb diet, always check with your healthcare professional first, especially if you have a medical issue.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym

Cardio Workouts With No Jumping

Cardio Workouts With No Jumping

If you have joint issues, running can create more problems than the benefits it provides. That’s because it’s a high-impact exercise. Just like jumping, both feet are off the ground at one time, and land with a jarring thud to the joints. How do you avoid exacerbating joint issues or other problems that are affected by jarring the body? Choose cardio workouts with no jumping. Many of these are fun to do. Many forms of dancing involve no jumping, yet they provide a superior cardio workout. Think of the dances of the 60s and 70s like the Twist. It will get your heart pumping, and your feet will never leave the floor.

Doing HIIT bodyweight workouts can get you into shape faster.

What is HIIT? It’s not a specific exercise, but a way of doing exercises. You modify your intensity from peak intensity to recovery and back to peak. Using bodyweight exercises that don’t require jumping can help improve muscle strength around the joint and relieve some of the pain. Lunges, reverse lunges, step-ups, and squats are low impact. While they don’t require jumping, if you have a knee injury, you might want to skip them.

Keep your feet on the pedals instead of the ground.

Take the jump out of cardio by riding a bike, or even better, use a stationary bike. You can modify the resistance on a stationary bike to make pedaling easier if you have knee problems. The exercise lubricates the joints and helps reduce pain and stiffness. You’ll still get a good cardio workout. Take the jump out of calisthenics. You can do jumping jacks without jumping. Just step one foot outward as you raise your arms above your head and then back again as you lower your hands.

If you’re in a pool, jumping isn’t a problem.

Even if you jump when you’re in the water, you won’t have a problem. Your body’s buoyancy in water helps prevent the impact and jarring caused by jumping on dry land. The water’s resistance also provides more challenge than it does on land. There’s 12 times more resistance walking in the water than there is walking down the street. Just walking in a pool can increase strength and get your heart pumping. Swimming is an excellent cardiovascular exercise that’s easy on the joints and internal organs.

  • If you want a good cardio workout that doesn’t involve your lower extremities, consider rowing a boat or using a rowing machine. An elliptical machine also provides a full-body cardio workout without any jumping.
  • Walking is one of the simplest ways to get a cardio workout without jumping. You can modify your speed between high intensity and recovery to improve your cardiovascular system faster.
  • Using kettlebells as your workout equipment can provide all types of fitness benefits. A kettlebell workout improves strength, flexibility, balance, and cardio. Jumping isn’t part of the program.
  • If you have an issue such as bone injuries, painful joints, stress fractures, arthritis, or are pregnant and need to avoid the type of high-impact movement jumping causes, get help from a personal trainer. A trainer can design a program specifically to address your special needs.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym

What Everybody Ought To Know About Fish Oil

What Everybody Ought To Know About Fish Oil

If you’re one of the millions of people who take fish oil, you probably take it for a specific ailment. Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids that can improve heart and brain health. The body requires omega-3 to function properly, but it cannot produce it, so it must come from food. It can aid in treating conditions such as depression, asthma, some autoimmune diseases, ADHA, and rheumatoid arthritis. A study at one of the most dangerous prisons in the UK found that increasing omega-3 and providing a nutrient-dense diet significantly reduced violent acts.

Not all omega-3 supplements are equal.

The omega-3 in fish oil is different from the omega-3 in flaxseed oil. Fish oil contains long-chain omega-3s, DHA and EPA. Flaxseed oil contains short-chain omega-3s—ALA. While the body can’t make any omega-3 fatty acids, it can convert ALA to DHA and EPA, but not efficiently, so you’d have to consume far more to get the amount you need. ALA from plants is also associated with prostate cancer, while DHA and EPA from fish oil aren’t.

Fish oil supplements may help relieve rheumatoid arthritis.

Fish oil may help relieve the swelling and pain from rheumatoid arthritis. One study focused on whether it could reduce the amount of anti-inflammatory drugs subject needed to relieve pain. Many of the patients in the study confirmed it did. They reported it also helped reduce the stiffness felt in the morning. The omega-3 in fish oil helps reduce the inflammatory cytokines that signal the immune system to attack without affecting the correct balance of T-cells, white blood cells that protect the body from bacteria, viruses, and other invaders.

You might boost your brain, heart, and eye health with fish oil.

Even though omega-3 fatty acids play an important role in heart, brain, and eye health, there’s no concrete evidence that taking omega-3 supplements is beneficial. When you consume food, all the nutrients in the food act in synergy in many cases, improving the benefits of all of them. The AHA—American Heart Association—recommends eating fish but doesn’t recommend fish oil supplements. They found the supplements only beneficial for people with specific types of heart disease.

  • Another reason consuming food with omega-3 may be better than taking supplements considers what you don’t eat. If you’re eating fish, you aren’t eating foods that aren’t beneficial to the heart or even harmful.
  • There’s conflicting evidence on whether taking omega-3 fatty acids can help prevent age-related eye disease and age-related cognitive decline. There was no evidence showing it prevented the problems.
  • Omega-3 fish oil supplements are being studied for a variety of conditions, including allergies, diabetes, asthma, obesity, Crohn’s, and osteoporosis. The studies haven’t proven or disproven the fish oil benefits.
  • Even though the prison study on the effects of omega-3 and aggression showed benefits, it doesn’t mean fish oil supplements can help. Consuming fish or other sources of omega-3 is the best way to get the healthiest results.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym

Reasons We Love Chia Seeds

Reasons We Love Chia Seeds

There are a lot of food fads that circulate in Houston, TX, and not all of them are healthy. Luckily, the latest fad of using chia seeds in recipes is different. These tiny seeds are power-packed and ready to provide not only health benefits but also some benefits for your recipes. Using chia seeds in food isn’t new. It was a mainstay of the Mayan and Aztec diet. These tiny seeds may not look impressive but when you include them regularly in your diet, you’ll get impressive results.

A small amount of these nutrient-dense seeds will keep you feeling full.

They seem high in calories for a tiny seed. Chia seeds have 138 calories for just two tablespoons. Just put them in water and that small amount becomes quite a lot and extremely filling. There are 4.7 grams of protein, 11 grams of carbohydrates, and 8.7 grams of fat in that serving size. The fat the seeds contain is the heart-healthy fat, ALA—alpha-linolenic acid. It also contains 9 grams of fiber. The high fat, fiber, and protein content adds to the feeling of satiety for hours, so you won’t be hungry. The seeds also contain a substantial amount of calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, and vitamins B1 and B3.

Besides keeping you feeling full longer, chia seeds can help you lose weight in other ways.

Keeping you feeling full is just one way chia seeds help you feel full. The high protein and healthy fat content are also beneficial for weight loss. Healthy fat is vital to the process of burning excess body fat and high protein helps build muscle tissue. Some weight loss studies focusing on obese and overweight people with type 2 diabetes found that including chia seeds in their diet helped boost weight loss.

Chia seed fiber may increase heart health and help prevent blood sugar spikes.

When you increase the fiber in your diet, it benefits your body in several ways. It aids the digestive system, reduces cholesterol, helps regulate blood sugar, and reduces the risk of heart disease. The seeds also increase ALA—a type of omega-3 fatty acid. It also helps reduce the risk of heart disease. A smaller study found that including chia seeds in the diet may also lower blood pressure and improve heart health.

  • You can use chia seeds as a thickener for soups instead of cornstarch or flour. It makes the soup creamier while adding health benefits. Hydrate the seeds in milk and add fruit for a healthy pudding-like dessert.
  • Adding chia seeds to your diet can improve dental and bone health. The ALA, magnesium, phosphorus, and calcium are necessary for healthy teeth and bones.
  • Chia seeds are high in antioxidants. It helps protect you on a cellular level. Antioxidants prevent free radicals from damaging the cells. The antioxidants in chia seeds help protect the liver and heart. They also help prevent cancer.
  • Chia seeds can help prevent chronic inflammation. The caffeic acid in chia seeds is anti-inflammatory. Inflammation can cause serious health issues, including heart problems and premature aging.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym

Snacks That Keep You Full At Work

Snacks That Keep You Full At Work

As the workday extends, hunger can build. If you’re at work, there may be options for snacks such as a vending machine, a coworker’s stash of candy, or donuts or cookies brought for the whole staff. Most of the options aren’t healthy or low-calorie. How do you fight that urge to eat the last four donuts or raid the secretary’s candy bowl? You don’t let temptation build. Take healthy snacks with you. It doesn’t mean you can’t ever have a thin slice of Havey’s birthday cake or an M&M occasionally. It means you’ll have more control daily and be less apt to eat high-calorie snacks.

Keep fruit at your desk.

Some fruit is easy to store at your desk. Apples and oranges don’t require a bowl or a spoon and store for many days. A banana’s life is a little shorter, but it’s still convenient. You can wash grapes or cherries and put them in a container in the morning. Slice apples and toss the slices in a mixture that’s 50% water and 50% lemon juice. Take a small container of peanut butter. When you’re hungry, spread a teaspoon of peanut butter on the apple slices. The combination of carbohydrates and protein will keep you full for hours.

You control ingredients when you make trail mix.

Make trail mix at home and put the mix into individual serving-size bags. Use unsalted raw nuts, dried fruit with no added sugar, pumpkin seeds, and for a little sweetness, a few semi-sweet morsels or peanut-butter chips. You can add air-popped popcorn if you want a bigger serving. Air-popped popcorn is low in calories and high in fiber. Fiber fills you up.

Sunflower seeds take a long time to consume.

Removing the edible part of the sunflower seed takes forever if you eat the unshelled type. The protein can help fill you up and the slow pace gives your stomach time to tell your brain it’s no longer hungry. Pumpkin seeds are another high-protein snack filled with fiber to keep you full longer. Air-popped popcorn or homemade microwave popcorn also do the job. To make microwave popcorn, you need corn kernels and a microwave bowl with a loose-fitting cap. It’s healthier than the type you find in the store. You can even use popcorn toppings like Parmesan cheese that’s only 22 calories but adds plenty of flavor.

  • If you have a refrigerator at the office, the choice of snacks expands dramatically. Cheese and celery, vegetables and dip, a bowl of berries, or cut-up cantaloupe can be added to the list.
  • Individual-size containers of fruit packed in their own juice are more healthy options. Read the label carefully. Most have added sugar and other additives.
  • Unflavored full-fat Greek yogurt with fresh fruit is a good option. The high protein and full fat in the yogurt will keep you full longer and the fruit provides instant energy.
  • We focus on nutrition at Rising Fitness and can provide many more ideas for healthy snacks that fit your needs and palate.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym

How Does Salt Affect Weight Loss?

How Does Salt Affect Weight Loss?

Obesity has reached epidemic levels, even in Houston, TX. Lack of exercise and an unhealthy diet are the primary causes, even though there are others. Most fitness centers, weight loss programs, or personal trainers use exercise or diet as a solution. We focus on both diet and exercise. The food you eat and its preparation are key to weight loss. Highly processed foods are bland. Manufacturers improve flavor by adding salt and sugar. Most people understand how sugar adds pounds but fail to realize that salt can also sabotage weight loss efforts.

Salt causes fluid retention and added weight.

Water retention can occur due to hormonal changes, but excess sodium from too much salt can also cause it. Salt’s chemical formula is NaCl===sodium chloride. The body needs sodium to help regulate the body’s balance of water, but too much can cause a problem. If you become dehydrated, the sodium content of the blood increases. The body hoards water to maintain sodium balance, causing edema and weight gain. Drinking more water or consuming less salt can prevent it or correct the problem.

Studies found that people with a high salt diet drank less water.

Studies on the effects of salt are conducted in many areas from health and nutrition to space travel and nutrition. One Russian study focused on how salt affected the bodies of Russian cosmonauts-in-training. The trainees were given a consistent diet except for one variable—the amount of salt it contained. They started with a diet that doubled the recommended amount of salt to 12 grams. The cosmonauts spent weeks on this high-sodium diet. The scientists reduced the amount to 9 grams for an equal time. The final phase was reducing salt to the recommended 6 grams a day.

That experiment tracked many things.

Besides tracking blood pressure and other bodily functions, it also followed hunger levels. When salt content was high, the cosmonauts were constantly hungry. As the scientists lowered the amount of salt, hunger diminished. Since the only variable was salt, they concluded salt made the difference. Other studies found that people who consume too much salt don’t drink more water but tend to eat more. It may be due to the body confusing thirst for hunger. Another study in Australia backed the findings by studying school children. It found children with diets higher in salt had a higher rate of obesity.

  • Studies show that when people did drink more because of salt, many drank sugary soft drinks, adding even more calories to their diet.
  • A study in Australia following people of all ages found that people who consumed a diet high in salt consumed 11% more calories than those that didn’t.
  • In addition to weight gain, salt can contribute to other health issues. It’s associated with an increased risk of high blood pressure, stomach cancer, and heart disease.
  • One easy way to reduce the amount of sodium and salt in your diet is to cut out processed foods. Most processed foods contain salt for flavor. You have more control over salt content when you consume whole food.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym