What Foods Can You Eat In Unlimited Amounts?
Do you have dreams of eating cakes and pastries and never gaining weight? The truth is, you can’t. However, there is food you can have in an unlimited amount. Some foods are lower in calories, while others have a thermogenic effect. When your body digests food, it takes extra energy. Some types of food require more energy to digest than others. Food like celery is already low in calories and when you factor in the thermogenic effect, it is even lower and may be negative calories.
Don’t worry about consuming green leafy vegetables.
You can eat an entire large head of lettuce and still only consume 100 calories. It’s hard to imagine eating several large heads, but it won’t pack on the pounds if you do. The water and fiber will probably fill you up too quickly. You’ll also get a wealth of nutrients, such as vitamin C, iron, folic acid, and vitamin A. Eating a pound of spinach will also increase your calorie intake by about 100 calories and a cup of baby spinach is just 7 calories. You’d have to eat 15 cups to consume 100 calories.
Cauliflower can be cooked or raw, but it still won’t pack on the pounds.
If you’re munching on raw cauliflower or enjoying it steamed, the calorie count is the same, an entire medium head is just 144 calories. Just as it is with leafy greens, you have to eat cauliflower sans toppings. If you steam it and add butter, of course, it will have more calories. If you’re eating it raw, the calorie count skyrockets when you include a dip. You’ll get tired of hearing crunching long before you can overeat cauliflower. If you haven’t consumed a lot of crucifers previously, consuming a copious amount of cauliflower can have consequences. It can cause bloating and gas issues.
A large whole tomato is just 33 calories.
Like many other fruits and vegetables, tomatoes are mostly water. They also have a high nutritional profile, containing lycopene, vitamins A, C, and B2, folic acid, fiber, chromium, and potassium. While weight gain may not be a problem, consuming large amounts of tomatoes may have a side effect for some people. If you’re sensitive to tomatoes or intolerant, issues from too many tomatoes can lead to headaches, urinary problems, and other issues. Tomatoes are acidic, so it can also lead to gastric issues.
- If you want a snack food that won’t put on weight, consider air-popped popcorn. As long as you don’t slather it with extra butter or other ingredients that add calories, the fiber fills you up, and there are only 31 calories in a cup.
- Some fruits are super low in calories and also good for weight loss. A large grapefruit contains just 106 calories. It’s not only filling, it also is high in vitamin C and can aid in stabilizing blood sugar levels.
- A half a cantaloupe is just 50 calories and is high in vitamins A and C. Cantaloupe is over 90% water, so it’s also hydrating. Studies show eating fruit, particularly juicy ones, helped women lose a significant amount of weight.
- Whether you’re making a fruit or vegetable salad, or simply eating the fruit or vegetable alone, many fruits and vegetables can boost your efforts to lose weight. Strawberries, green peas, broccoli, and cucumbers are also free from limits.
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