Fitness & Wellness

How To Deal With Muscle Soreness From Exercise

How To Deal With Muscle Soreness From Exercise

It’s normal to have muscle soreness from exercise, especially if you’re pushing yourself to the limit. There are ways to speed recovery and diminish the pain. You do have to watch out for severe DOMS——-delayed onset muscle soreness—that reaches peak pain between 24 and 48 hours after exercise but can start as soon as six hours after exercise. When you workout the muscles develop small tears that require time to repair. The repairs build both muscle and strength. Until the process is complete, you’ll feel pain. You can diminish the potential pain or speed the healing with these ideas.

Staying hydrated prevents much of the pain.

If you’re dehydrated, it exacerbates the pain and adds to it. Drinking water before, during, and after a workout improves your performance while flushing out the waste and reducing pain. It improves circulation, supplies oxygen and nutrients to the muscles, and is vital for muscles, organs, and bones. Just losing 1% of the body’s water without replenishing it can increase the risk of injury. If you drink coffee to increase your body’s fluid before a workout, it can reduce the potential for DOMS by 48%. It also helps prevent normal muscle soreness and fatigue.

Use OTC rubs and patches or get a massage.

OTC remedies like oils or patches containing oils that heat or cool the area of the pain and increase circulation. If you get a massage, the combination of oils and the massage also increase circulation. One study studied people who got regular massages and found their muscles had more blood vessels, which improves circulation. Massage guns are relatively new to the market and excellent for relaxing muscles. It creates percussive vibrations that can relax myofascial tissues, reduce tightness, relax tense muscles, and increase blood flow.

Participate in active recovery.

Sore muscles can make you want to stay in bed. You shouldn’t. Participating in light exercise can help increase recovery and reduce some of the pain. It increases circulation, reduces lactic acid buildup, helps eliminate toxins, and keeps muscles more flexible. The increased blood flow sends oxygen and healing nutrients to the area to help build new tissue. Just walking or bicycling at a comfortable pace or swimming can help reduce the time spent in pain.

  • Put ice packs on the affected area as soon as you feel pain. It can help prevent swelling and reduce inflammation. Once inflammation sets in, use heat.
  • Getting adequate rest can help prevent muscle pain and also help heal muscle tissue when you have it. Keep the area in pain slightly elevated, especially if it’s the legs. It helps reduce inflammation.
  • OTC pain relievers and anti-inflammatories, like ibuprofen or aspirin, can help diminish the pain and make it more tolerable. Drinking tart cherry juice before, during, and after exercise or eating raspberries can also help reduce the pain.
  • Gentle stretching and cool-down exercises can help prevent pain and muscle soreness. Stretching speeds recovery and eases pain. See a healthcare professional if your pain is unbearable or lasts longer than a few days.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym

Best Resistance Bands For Different Workout Levels

Best Resistance Bands For Different Workout Levels

Traditional tools to build strength include barbells and dumbbells. Many people in Houston, TX, focus only on those tools and ignore some less-used options like resistance bands or kettlebells. Resistance bands are inexpensive latex bands. They come in many sizes to match various workout levels. When you stretch them, they provide the resistance that helps build strength. Initially, physical therapists used resistance for rehabilitation. Today they are exercise tools, particularly for those who travel or on the days access to the gym is impossible.

Resistance bands come in various thicknesses and styles.

Some resistance bands look like rubber bands that are bigger and stronger. Others are straight bands with handles on both ends. There are two basic categories of resistance bands, flat ones, and tubes. Flat ones are either sheets or joined at both ends in a circle. Most resistance bands are color-coded based on how light or stretchy they are. Resistance bands range from red, the lightest and stretchiest, to blue, the stiffest and most difficult to use.

Red bands are good for couch potatoes just beginning a strength-building program.

Because the red bands provide light resistance, they’re good for areas that only need a little resistance to build muscle tissue. The next level of resistance is black. These are harder to stretch and a good choice when you want an all-around workout and medium resistance. These are great for bicep workouts. If you already have good muscle tone or want to work on large muscle groups, purple resistance bands are ideal. They provide a medium-to-heavy resistance level.

Green bands are the next level and difficult to stretch.

They’re good for large muscle groups like the legs, back, and chest. The least stretchy and most difficult to use are the blue resistance bands. If you’re doing partnered workouts, these are good options. They’re also good for working leg muscles. Whether you’ve built muscle or not, if you haven’t used resistance bands previously, don’t start with green or blue resistance bands, but use stretchier ones first. As with any type of exercise, proper form is important. Learn the right form on the stretchiest bands and then transfer your knowledge to more difficult bands to build strength.

  • Resistance bands are versatile and can work your muscles on many planes and in all directions, unlike weights that use gravity for resistance. For maximum strength-building, use weights, not resistance bands.
  • People with limited storage space find resistance bands ideal. You can store them in a drawer or pack them in luggage for travel. They allow you to do strength-building even when you’re miles from the gym.
  • You can target specific areas of the body with resistance bands, so they’re perfect for sculpting your body. That also makes them an excellent tool to focus on specific muscles for sports training.
  • If you want to add variety to your regular workout, add resistance bands. Lunges, squats, and upper body exercises like curls can use resistance bands. Always check the bands for wear and tear before beginning any exercise.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym

Understanding The Importance Of Portion Control

Understanding The Importance Of Portion Control

Occasionally eating a small slice of cake or pie won’t affect your weight loss program much. However, if you eat an entire pie or cake and do it every day, you won’t lose weight. Portion control plays a vital role in weight loss. Portion control is more important for some foods than it is for others. For instance, you can eat as many leafy green vegetables as you want without worry but need to watch portions when consuming higher-calorie foods, even if they are fruit or vegetables. Avocados are one example and nuts are another where portion control makes a difference.

You have to know portion size first.

You might be fooled when eating in a restaurant and think you’re getting one serving size. Knowing portions helps. Eating only one portion of each type of food on the plate and asking for a to-go box for the rest can save your weight loss program. It also provides a meal for later. A portion of meat should be the size of the palm of your hand, while vegetables and salads should be fist-size.

To cut back on high-calorie snacks, separate the large bag into individual portions.

It’s too easy to eat an entire bag of chips, but if you count out 15 chips ahead and put them in a bag, you have a one portion serving. When you cook at home, divide the food into portions and store the rest immediately. Avoid mindless eating. If you’re watching a TV program or video, take a break from watching if you’re going to snack and enjoy every morsel. Tracking your food intake throughout the day and keeping a food journal will also make you more aware of what, when, where, and why you’re eating. Not everyone eats just because they’re hungry.

Using smaller plates is one tip for portion control.

The larger the plate, the smaller your serving size looks. Using a small plate makes you feel like you’re getting more food. Make sure your plate is half filled with vegetables that aren’t starchy. Potatoes count as a carbohydrate that should take another fourth of the plate. The last fourth should be a lean protein source You should also have ½ tablespoon of fat.

  • A cup of rice or pasta is one serving, which is the size of a tennis ball. If you eat a portion of cheese, it’s the size of four dice put together. One serving of peanut butter is the size of one golf ball.
  • When eating in a restaurant, skip the appetizer and either split a meal with a friend, ask for a half portion, or set half aside and take it home for later.
  • When you maintain portion control, you’ll find losing weight and maintaining that weight loss is easier. You’ll be able to eat smaller amounts of your favorite food without feeling guilty.
  • Include no-calorie drinks with every meal. Start your meal with a glass of water. You can make it more appealing by infusing fruit or vegetables. It doesn’t add calories, just flavor. Herbal tea, green tea, or coffee can be sipped throughout the meal.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym

The Role Of Gut Health In Weight Loss

The Role Of Gut Health In Weight Loss

Many recent studies show that gut health makes weight loss easier. The microbiome in the gut impacts your gut health directly. There are millions of them and a variety of species. They include bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other microscopic organisms. They dramatically affect all functions in the body, including gut health. While there are debates on the number of microbes in the body, Scientists agree there are more microbes than cells in our body.

The types of microbes in your gut make a difference in your health and weight loss.

Your body has trillions of microbes, some of which are beneficial and some aren’t. The combination of microbes can make weight loss easy or difficult. Early studies showed that obese people had a different population from those that weren’t. Recent studies followed two groups of people with identical diets and exercise programs. Those that lost weight had similar gut microbes. Their microbes were quite different from those who lost no weight.

The gut produces hormones and performs many other functions.

Hormones are messengers that perform a variety of tasks. Some affect your appetite, while others regulate metabolism. There are over 20 different hormones created in the gut, but the types of hormones vary from individual to individual. That’s because they’re affected by diet, overall health, and stress. These hormones also affect weight loss. They can slow metabolism, increase it, make you hungrier, or diminish your appetite. If your gut is unhealthy, you’ll have diarrhea, gas, bloating, or constipation. An unhealthy gut can cause unintentional weight loss or weight gain.

Diet and exercise affect gut health.

Not only does diet feed the body, but it also feeds the microbes in the gut, too. When you eat a healthy diet, you’re getting all the nutrients, including fiber, to create a healthy body. Soluble fiber is important for a healthy microbiome. It feeds the beneficial microbes, which then create a healthier body. Exercise is also important for gut health. Sugar kills beneficial microbes and increases the population of harmful ones. Not only does the movement aid digestion, but it also boosts the beneficial microbe population. Both are tools for weight loss.

  • Your gut health improves your mental health. People with healthy guts are less prone to depression. Depression can lead to a lack of exercise and overeating.
  • Mindful eating can help both gut health and weight loss. Chewing your food longer and savoring each bite allows your gut to signal the brain it’s full before you’ve overeaten. It also jump-starts the digestive process so your gut doesn’t have to work as hard.
  • Scientists found a relationship between obesity and certain strains of microbes. In people with weight issues, they found the byproducts of the microbes that weren’t in people who weren’t overweight.
  • Stress can affect the microbes in your gut. In turn, the microbes directly affect your health. Maintaining gut health means controlling stress, regular exercise, and eating a healthy diet.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym

What Foods Can You Eat In Unlimited Amounts?

What Foods Can You Eat In Unlimited Amounts?

Do you have dreams of eating cakes and pastries and never gaining weight? The truth is, you can’t. However, there is food you can have in an unlimited amount. Some foods are lower in calories, while others have a thermogenic effect. When your body digests food, it takes extra energy. Some types of food require more energy to digest than others. Food like celery is already low in calories and when you factor in the thermogenic effect, it is even lower and may be negative calories.

Don’t worry about consuming green leafy vegetables.

You can eat an entire large head of lettuce and still only consume 100 calories. It’s hard to imagine eating several large heads, but it won’t pack on the pounds if you do. The water and fiber will probably fill you up too quickly. You’ll also get a wealth of nutrients, such as vitamin C, iron, folic acid, and vitamin A. Eating a pound of spinach will also increase your calorie intake by about 100 calories and a cup of baby spinach is just 7 calories. You’d have to eat 15 cups to consume 100 calories.

Cauliflower can be cooked or raw, but it still won’t pack on the pounds.

If you’re munching on raw cauliflower or enjoying it steamed, the calorie count is the same, an entire medium head is just 144 calories. Just as it is with leafy greens, you have to eat cauliflower sans toppings. If you steam it and add butter, of course, it will have more calories. If you’re eating it raw, the calorie count skyrockets when you include a dip. You’ll get tired of hearing crunching long before you can overeat cauliflower. If you haven’t consumed a lot of crucifers previously, consuming a copious amount of cauliflower can have consequences. It can cause bloating and gas issues.

A large whole tomato is just 33 calories.

Like many other fruits and vegetables, tomatoes are mostly water. They also have a high nutritional profile, containing lycopene, vitamins A, C, and B2, folic acid, fiber, chromium, and potassium. While weight gain may not be a problem, consuming large amounts of tomatoes may have a side effect for some people. If you’re sensitive to tomatoes or intolerant, issues from too many tomatoes can lead to headaches, urinary problems, and other issues. Tomatoes are acidic, so it can also lead to gastric issues.

  • If you want a snack food that won’t put on weight, consider air-popped popcorn. As long as you don’t slather it with extra butter or other ingredients that add calories, the fiber fills you up, and there are only 31 calories in a cup.
  • Some fruits are super low in calories and also good for weight loss. A large grapefruit contains just 106 calories. It’s not only filling, it also is high in vitamin C and can aid in stabilizing blood sugar levels.
  • A half a cantaloupe is just 50 calories and is high in vitamins A and C. Cantaloupe is over 90% water, so it’s also hydrating. Studies show eating fruit, particularly juicy ones, helped women lose a significant amount of weight.
  • Whether you’re making a fruit or vegetable salad, or simply eating the fruit or vegetable alone, many fruits and vegetables can boost your efforts to lose weight. Strawberries, green peas, broccoli, and cucumbers are also free from limits.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym

Can Your Diet Put You At Risk For Certain Diseases?

Can Your Diet Put You At Risk For Certain Diseases?

At Rising Fitness, we use a holistic approach to good health. The body requires exercise but also needs a healthy diet to reduce the risk of disease. A healthy diet contains many components, including macronutrients, micronutrients, and phytonutrients. Macronutrients include protein, fat, and carbohydrates, while micronutrients include vitamins and minerals. Phytonutrients are substances found in plants that improve the functioning of the body.

Add fiber to your body to maintain a healthy microbiome.

The microbiome is the collection of bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms in your body. You have more microbes than you have cells. The gut microbiome is particularly important. It helps digest food and makes nutrients bioavailable. The digestive tract is the largest organ of the immune system and it’s heavily dependent on the microbes living there. Digestion, metabolism, emotions, and inflammation are all affected. Your diet directly affects gut health. A high-sugar diet can kill friendly microbes and boost harmful ones. The soluble fiber in the diet feeds beneficial microbes. Spices, herbs, and a wide diversity of colorful fruits and vegetables can provide healthy micro diversity to improve health.

Your diet can increase your risk of diabetes.

A precursor of type 2 diabetes is insulin resistance. The more highly processed carbs you consume, the more potential there is to develop it. Insulin is a messenger that tells the cells to open for glucose. When you eat simple carbs, it can spike your insulin levels due to the spike in blood sugar levels. Food high in fiber slows the process of increasing blood glucose levels. When that occurs frequently, cells don’t respond to insulin, leaving blood glucose high and causing more insulin to be released. Eventually, insulin resistance leads to diabetes which affects the whole body.

Obesity plays havoc with your body and an unhealthy diet can lead to it.

Obesity is a complex disease and can be caused by many factors, but dietary roles play a big role. If diet causes it, it’s not all about overeating, but more about eating the wrong foods. A diet high in highly processed food, sugar, fried food, and empty carbs can do more than pack on the pounds. It can increase your risk of heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, mental illness, and more.

  • A diet high in bad cholesterol, like highly processed meats, chips, and fries, can affect your cholesterol profile. High cholesterol can lead to blockage in arteries. Another factor for heart disease is high blood pressure, which diet can also cause.
  • An unhealthy diet may increase the risk of certain types of cancer. It’s estimated that 30% of all types of cancer are affected by a poor diet.
  • Eating food high in sodium and low in potassium increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Potatoes, legumes, seafood, leafy greens, dairy, tomatoes, bananas, and avocados are potassium rich.
  • An unhealthy diet filled with processed food, high in sugar, fast food, and simple carbs can affect your mental health, too. Switching to a diet high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein can improve mental health.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym

The Health Benefits Of Avocados

The Health Benefits Of Avocados

National Avocado Day will be here soon. The celebration on July 31 gives an opportunity to discover new ways to reap the health benefits of avocados. Most people in Houston, TX, immediately think of guacamole when they hear the word avocado, but there are hundreds of ways to include them in your meals. Mashed and spread on toast, they make a creamy, delicious alternative to butter or other spread. Avocados are a healthy addition to salads, tacos, and salsa, and even mixed with goat cheese for avocado cheese truffles. Here are some reasons to search for avocado recipes to celebrate this healthy treasure.

Avocados are a good source of nutrition.

Avocados are high in calories compared to other fruits. One medium avocado has 322 calories, 30 grams of fat, 4 grams of protein, and 17 grams of carbs. It also has 14 grams of carbohydrates. It contains about ¼ the DV (daily value) of vitamin E and potassium, 1/5 the DV of vitamins C, B3, and B2, 1/3 the DV of vitamins K and B6, almost half the DV of folate and copper, and over half the DV of vitamin B5. It also contains significant amounts of manganese and magnesium.

You’ll reduce the risk of heart disease by including avocados in your diet.

The high potassium in avocados helps regulate blood pressure and is necessary for nervous system functions. The US Department of Health and Human Services considers it a nutrient of public concern since most American diets don’t contain enough of it. Healthy fat, fiber, and other nutrients are all important for heart health. Consuming avocados improves the good, HDL, cholesterol and lowers the amount of bad, LDL, cholesterol.

Avocados may be high in fat and calories, but they could help you lose weight.

The high fat and fiber content, combined with the wealth of nutrients make avocados beneficial for weight loss. They fill you up and keep you feeling full longer. Studies show that people who have fiber in their diet tend to weigh less than those who don’t. Studies funded by the Hass Avocado Board indicate a diet containing avocados can help lose weight, maintain weight, and aid in losing belly fat.

  • Folate can help prevent birth defects. The high folate content makes it an excellent selection for women considering pregnancy and pregnant women. The high content of other nutrients adds to the benefit.
  • Avocados are high in anti-inflammatories. Chronic inflammation can also lead to heart disease and other serious conditions, such as Alzheimer’s, asthma, and arthritis.
  • The fiber avocados contain can aid your digestive system and improve your micro diversity which can benefit overall health. A healthy microbiome can also improve mental functioning and mood.
  • The lutein and zeaxanthin in avocados protect the eyes from UV rays. The high-fat content also helps boost beta-carotene absorption. High vitamin K content can improve bone health by aiding in calcium absorption.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym

Helpful Tips To Stick To Your Diet

Helpful Tips To Stick To Your Diet

Finding the right diet that fits your needs is hard and sticking with that diet is even more difficult. A few tricks and tips can help you stay on the right path, even when you’re tempted to stray. These simple hacks can make it easier to diet and help you develop healthy habits. One simple trick that requires no discipline is using smaller plates. The smaller your plate, the bigger your serving size looks. A recent study combined the research of 56 previous studies and found that using smaller plates reduced the amount of food consumed by an average of 30%.

Slow down and eat mindfully.

Savoring the flavor can also help you stick with your diet and leave you feeling fuller after a meal. When you eat slower, chew longer, and really appreciate everything about the food from the flavor to the texture. You’ll enjoy it more, while slowing down the process of eating. That gives your stomach time to signal to the brain that it’s full. You’ll feel more satisfied with less food.

Plan and cook meals ahead.

Meal planning can boost your efforts and make sticking with a diet far easier. How do you meal plan? We make it easy with an app for your phone. All you do is buy the groceries and cook the meals. When you meal plan, you do all the grocery shopping at one time and cook all the meals on your day off work. You then pack the meals into individual servings and freeze or refrigerate the meals. When it’s time to eat, heat and serve. It’s faster than going through a drive-through. It saves time and money. It can help you stick with your diet. You have all the meals at the tip of your fingers.

Eliminate junk food and have healthy food available.

Just like meal planning, having healthy snacks ready to eat makes it more likely. Clean out the junk food and bring in healthy options. Make snacks ahead. You can create a yogurt sundae in an 8-oz Mason jar. Put a layer of Greek yogurt in the jar, add a layer of berries, a sliced half banana, another layer of yogurt, and top with a layer of walnuts. It’s ready to eat or put the lid on and save it for later.

  • Drink more water. A half hour before you eat, drink an 8-oz glass of water. Sip water throughout the meal. Studies show it reduces the calories you consume.
  • Forgive yourself if you go off track. Remember it’s one day, one meal, or just one snack. It takes time to create new habits and change food preferences. Once you do, healthy food will taste delicious and junk food will no longer tempt you.
  • If you’re not ready for a complete change, start slowly. Give up food with added sugar first. It will take a while to conquer the sugar cravings. It is the hardest part of weight loss.
  • Plan for snacks and have healthy snacks ready to eat in the refrigerator. You’ll be more likely to have a few cubes of watermelon or cantaloupe when it’s cut up in a bowl than you would if it were whole. Make it easy to eat healthy.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym

Simple Strategies To Achieving Health Goals

Simple Strategies To Achieving Health Goals

We take a holistic approach at Rising Fitness in Houston, TX. It uses several strategies to help you reach your health goals. These are simple. You need good nutrition via a healthy diet, the right type of exercise based on science, and a community-first approach to ensure you have quality information. Reaching fitness goals doesn’t have to be difficult. Some simple strategies can help make it easier. It all starts with creating an achievable goal and believing it’s possible.

Do you have to lose a challenging fitness goal?

If you want to run a marathon but always lived a sedentary lifestyle, the thought of running a full marathon can be extremely daunting. You have to start small and build up to that point. The same is true of any fitness goal. Breaking it down into manageable bites makes it more palatable. Instead of losing 40 pounds, the thought of losing 2 pounds a week for 20 weeks is far easier to envision. If you can picture it, you can achieve it. Break down your big goal into smaller ones.

Don’t try to do too much initially without getting the basics.

One reason to have a personal trainer is to stay motivated to do more. However, everyone is different. Some people try to do too much when they first start a workout program. Instead of focusing on form and taking it slowly as their body acclimates to exercise, some people push themselves too hard, sacrificing form in the process. They injure muscles or are too sore to work out for a week. Take it slower at first. Focus on form. As you get fitter, push yourself harder. You’ll have some sore muscles, but not debilitating pain.

Incorporate your fitness goals into your daily routine.

Schedule your workout and do it at the same time each day. When you schedule it, it becomes a priority. You’ll work around it like you would at a doctor’s appointment. It will become a habit that is hard to break. You’ll increase your stamina and strength by changing a few everyday activities. Park further from the store and walk. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Carry your groceries into the house, lifting as many bags as you can safely.

  • Have a plan of action when you workout. List the exercises you’ll be doing, the number of reps, and sets. Track your progress and make it a game to achieve the next level.
  • If healthy eating is a goal after spending a lifetime as a junk food junkie, start by taking one step at a time. First give up food with added sugar, then processed foods, increasing fruit and vegetable intake as you do.
  • Reward yourself. When you’ve reached a difficult goal, it’s time for a reward. It can be anything from new gym clothes to an afternoon nap or a day at the spa.
  • Never give up. Even if you eat a whole cake, it doesn’t mean you failed. Just start back the next day, determined to eat healthier. It’s not the end of the world if you miss a workout and shouldn’t end your exercise program.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym

How To Balance Your Hormones Naturally

How To Balance Your Hormones Naturally

If your hormones are out of balance, it can affect your body in many ways. It all depends on the hormone in question. In many cases, you can rebalance your hormones naturally. For instance, leptin, the satiety hormone, and ghrelin the hunger hormone can get out of balance if you don’t get enough sleep, causing the body to produce too much ghrelin and too little leptin. The solution is relatively easy. Get adequate sleep to reset these hormones.

Hormones are messengers.

People often think of sex hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone when they hear the word hormones, but there are so many more. Insulin, for instance, is a hormone. It tells the cells to open and uptake glucose. Too much sugar in your diet and too little exercise can cause insulin resistance. If you have insulin resistance, the cells don’t respond to insulin, so the glucose levels are high and the body produces more insulin. The excess insulin can cause weight to accumulate, especially around your midsection. A simple solution is a healthy diet and regular exercise.

If your sex hormones are out of balance, healthy eating helps.

Hormonal changes during menopause can affect the balance of hormones. Cutting out food with added sugar can help. Eating healthier can aid in solving the problem. Your body needs healthy fat to create hormones and maintain how they function, so including foods like avocado, eggs, and nuts are good options. High-quality protein like salmon is also necessary. Wild salmon is high in omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin D, the building blocks of hormones. Improving adrenal functioning helps balance sex hormones. Eating food like kale, bell peppers, pumpkin seed, and almonds helps.

Exercising can solve a lot of hormonal issues.

Cortisol, the stress hormone, can create a lot of problems. It can cause weight gain on the belly. You’ll burn off the hormones of stress when you work out. Estrogen dominance is a problem faced by many menopausal women. The symptoms include hot flashes, weight gain, and insomnia. Exercise helps rebalance estrogen. It also increases testosterone, which helps build muscle tissue, increases the human growth hormone—also known as the fountain of youth of hormones, and can improve the production of melatonin.

  • Adding green tea and more fiber to your diet and drinking it three times a day can help rebalance hormones. It helps improve the microbiome. Specific bacteria are necessary for the body to overproduce estrogen.
  • If weight gain is a problem, a vegetarian diet and abstinence from alcoholic beverages can help. Avoid sugar, too much caffeine, and soft drinks, both regular and no-calorie. Artificially sweetened drinks stimulate the production of the hunger hormone.
  • Probiotic foods help improve the gut microbiome. Don’t forget prebiotic foods that feed the beneficial microbes in the gut. Include food like sauerkraut, yogurt, and kefir for probiotics and apples, whole grain bread, and asparagus for prebiotics.
  • Find ways to deal with stress. Learn breathing techniques, meditation, or find ways to eliminate the stress. Stress can cause hormonal imbalance. Consult your healthcare professional if the problem continues.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym