Dumb Mistakes You Might Be Making At The Gym
You learn from your mistakes, but nobody wants to make them when they first start at a new gym. It’s hard enough feeling self-conscious being the new person and pretty intimidating. Most people are focused on their workout and don’t notice, but not all errors are inconsequential. Some mistakes can affect how quickly you reach your goal or if you increase the potential for injury. Here are common mistakes and ways to correct them.
You push too hard and fail to learn the correct form.
There’s nothing wrong with pushing yourself unless your form is incorrect or your body isn’t ready for the beating. When you first start exercising in the gym, take it easy and focus on form. If your form is incorrect, you won’t get the best results. It can even cause injury. If you push too hard when you first begin or do intense workouts daily, you’ll also damage your body. You should only do intense workouts one or two days a week to give your body a chance to recover.
Are you spending the time necessary to warm up or cool down?
You need warm-up and cool-down exercises. Warm-up exercises mimic the type of workout you’ll do. They improve circulation, so you warm the muscles you’ll use. They increase your heart rate slowly, so it’s not as stressful. Warm-up exercises minimize injuries. Cool-down exercises help prevent blood from pooling in the extremities, which can cause fainting and light-headedness. Your muscles are loose and pliable, so it’s also a good time to do stretching that increases your range of motion.
Are you maximizing the time you spend in the gym?
Some people spend hours in the gym and don’t get as much done as people who spend 30 to 40 minutes. They spend too much time talking, hanging around the water fountain, and resting longer between exercises and sets. Have a list of exercises you’ll do. Include the number of reps and sets. Track your workout as you move quickly from one set to the next and one exercise to the next. Tracking your workout keeps you on pace to cut the time you spend, keeps your heart rate elevated, and burns more calories.
- Do you eat a pre-workout or post-workout snack? A 100 to 200-calorie snack containing protein and carbohydrates can improve your workout and jump-start recovery.
- You need cardio, but too much can tear down muscle tissue and compromise your ability to lose weight. Cardio doesn’t discriminate where it gets calories, so it takes it from fat and muscle tissue. Do all types of exercise: strength, balance, flexibility, and endurance.
- Change your workout frequently. Your body becomes efficient at a workout and burns fewer calories. Work your muscles on all planes and ensure you do all muscle groups.
- Outside the gym, make sure you get adequate sleep. Your body requires sleep to produce enough HGH, IGF, and testosterone that’s necessary to build muscles. It also repairs microtears in the muscles and keeps the hunger/satiety hormones balanced.
For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym