Get The Most Out Of Your Cardio Workouts

It’s normal to want to maximize the benefits of any workout, especially when it’s cardio. Many cardio activities can require a longer workout. Running, walking, and riding a bike riding a bike are examples of a few that require more time to get the maximum benefit. That is, unless you use a HIIT—high intensity interval training—technique. There are other ways to max out your cardio and get more from every minute in the gym.

What is a HIIT workout?

The more intense your workout, the more you’ll benefit from it. HIIT workouts add to that theory. HIIT isn’t a specific workout but a way of doing any workout. You start at a moderate recovery pace for a short time, move to your peak intensity for half that time, and then go back to the recovery pace. By alternating intensity, you can go at peak intensity longer. You can use it with running, walking, or any type of cardio. Just continuously alter the pace. It builds endurance faster and burns more calories.

Use kettlebells during your workout.

Kettlebells provide four different types of workouts. They’re good for strength, flexibility, balance, and cardio. Swinging the kettlebell not only uses the muscles for breathing but also makes them work harder. The kettlebell isn’t centered, making the core muscles work harder to maintain balance. Kettlebell workouts also burn tons of calories, provide a total body workout, and are fun.

Don’t do the same old cardio workouts.

It might feel more comfortable doing the same type of cardio continuously, but it won’t give you the maximum results. If you only run as your cardio workout, your body becomes more efficient at it. That means it burns fewer calories. It also becomes a bit boring and less challenging. Alternate cardio workouts among several. Riding a bike, dancercising, running, walking, or rowing are a few ways.

  • Take up an active sport or other activity that requires good cardio endurance. Cardio workouts prepare you for these activities, but the activities also provide a cardio workout while having fun. Have a weekly tennis session with a friend or join a group activity.
  • Make sure you use the proper form to do each exercise. Doing an exercise wrong can minimize the benefits and even cause injury.
  • If you’re at a sedentary job, get up and move for a few minutes every hour. Sitting for longer periods can reduce the benefits you get from regular exercise. Set a timer to remind you. Do stretches or just walk around.
  • Eat a pre-workout and post-workout snack. The pre-workout snack provides the energy to keep you going at maximum potential. The post-workout snack helps boost recovery.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym



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