Nothing is better than flexing and watching your biceps grow to an impressive size. Who doesn’t want big guns? You can add an inch to your biceps relatively You can add an inch to your biceps relatively quickly by following the right diet and using the best type of exercise. It takes consistency and lifting lighter weights but doing more repetitions to build more muscle.
Start in the kitchen.
Eating healthy is a must if you want powerful arms. You need the right building materials to get impressive biceps. Increase your calories slightly by 250 to 500 calories. That increase should come from protein. It’s necessary for healing the micro-tears that heal by forming scar tissue that builds the muscles. Before you exercise, eat a snack that contains protein and carbohydrates. The protein helps boost recovery. The carbs provide the energy to improve your workout. Do the same immediately following your workout, or eat a meal that’s high in protein.
You can use weights, bodyweight exercises, or resistance bands.
You build muscle when you challenge it with resistance. For bodyweight exercises and weights, the resistance is gravity. If you’re using resistance bands, the bands provide the resistance. Resistance bands allow you to work the bicep in ways you can’t with other types of exercise. Push-ups, dumbbell curls, and barbell rows all do the job. If you’re doing push-ups, you can adjust the width of your hands to closer together or further apart to maximize the way you work the muscles. When you put them closer together, it works the biceps harder. You can also move your hands so your fingers point toward your toes in reverse position. That also is another dynamite bicep builder.
Keep the weights lighter and do more reps.
If you want to build strength, lift heavier weights and do fewer repetitions. To get maximum growth, do more repetitions and lighter weights. Lift a lot lower than your one-rep maximum weight when you’re doing them. Chin-ups build biceps. Alternate the distance between hands and grips. Do an underhand grip, spacing your hands six to eight inches apart for maximum growth.
- Develop a workout plan that works your biceps once every 48 to 72 hours to give your biceps a chance to recover. Recovery is when the magic takes place. Don’t overtrain, or you could end up losing muscle.
- Don’t do isolation exercises exclusively. Do compound exercises, kettlebells, or other exercises that maximize your exercise time. Shorten rest periods between sets. Track your results, including reps, sets, and bicep measurements.
- Always focus on form. Use the bar without weights to learn the form. Have a friend or trainer watch you to ensure you have the proper form. Using poor form can cause injury that sets you back for months.
- Use a personal trainer or workout buddy for safety. They can check your form and be a spotter. Always check with your healthcare professional before starting any exercise program.
For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym