How To Trim Thighs Quickly?

It may be cold outside, but warm weather is just around the corner, which means you still have time to trim your thighs and get your body in shape for beachwear and summer clothing. What can help trim thighs quickly? Exercise. It won’t help you lose fat in a specific area, since fat comes off the body equally in all areas, but it will tone the underlying muscles and make your thighs look thinner, more toned and far more attractive.

Bodyweight exercises can be done almost anywhere.

While you’re waiting for the copy machine to finish your final presentation, do a few squats. They’re excellent for improving thighs. In fact, if you want quicker results, find places where you can do a few extras, like at the sink when you’re doing dishes or preparing supper or squatting when picking up clothes and cleaning the house. You can modify the squats to work different muscles. It’s a matter of adjusting the width of your feet. Go wider than shoulder-width for some and narrower when you’re doing another set, or do a jump squat, which is the best for toning thighs.

Getting in your cardio can help tone the thighs.

Whether you walk, run or climb steps, it’s all good. It provides a cardio workout that burns calories to help you lose weight, while also working the thighs. If you can find a beach with a sand hill, even better. While running up any hill will tighten the inner thigh, trying to run up a sand hill burns even more calories and works your legs harder. Riding bikes with the kids can also tone the thighs.

Save your joints and contact your inner ballerina to tone your thighs.

While jump squats can be a high impact workout, ballet movements that target the thighs normally aren’t. Other low impact exercises that can tone your thighs include yoga and tai chi. All these movements can help tone the legs without causing you to breath hard, so you still need to add cardio to your workout. A plie is similar to a squat and the wider the stance, the better it is for the thighs. Big toe pose, camel pose, child pose and easy pose are a few yoga poses that help.

  • Thigh exercises not only tone the thighs, they help eliminate the jiggle of poor muscle tone and cottage cheese appearance of cellulite. Your legs will look shapelier and more attractive.
  • One easy exercise to learn that’s effective on reducing thigh girth is the walking lunge. The walking lunge engages all the muscles used in running and walking, but in an exaggerated manner, to bring fast results.
  • Believe it or not, lifting weights can tone your thighs and also be part of your strength-building workout. The proper form for lifting is with your legs, not your back. You can even include squats and lunges while holding weights.
  • A rolled up towel or playground ball can act like a thigh-master, that’s less expensive. Put it between your legs and squeeze with your thighs as you watch television.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym



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