How To Workout And Still Have Time For Everything Else

If you’re like most people, you have to budget your time to fit everything into your day. Fitting your workout into your schedule without stealing it from another priority can be almost impossible. It takes time to get dressed for your workout, workout, shower, and change. When you finish, it’s eaten up an entire hour. Your health is a top priority, so it’s worth the time, but that takes away from something else. Is there a way you can do both without compromising either?

Have fun with the kids while you exercise.

You can do activities with the kids that provide exercise. Do active things together as a family. Some kids will love working out with you. Younger children especially love it, even though they may not do all the exercises correctly. It’s fun to join you in your fitness efforts. Others will enjoy bike riding, hiking, or swimming. It’s all about doing something fun with Mom or Dad.

Choose a workout time that doesn’t interfere with anything else.

When your day is hectic and every minute counts, the way to fit a workout in without detracting from something else is to do it early in the morning before your day starts. Getting up early and exercising while your family is still in bed and before there are phone calls and meetings to fill your day can solve your problem. The quiet of the morning lets you do your workout in peace without taking away from other tasks.

Break your workout into smaller sessions.

It doesn’t matter whether you do a half-hour straight of exercise or three ten-minute sessions throughout the day, you’ll get the same benefits from the exercise. Find ten to fifteen-minute windows throughout the day to do a few exercises each time. You can include exercises you can do at your desk, like chair leg lifts, that won’t take you from your office or workspace.

  • Increase the amount of walking you do. Get a step counter and vow to increase the number of steps each day until you reach a specific amount. Increasing your physical activity with walking as an alternative leaves time for other things.
  • Use mini workouts. The four-minute nitric oxide dump is one example. It uses four exercises that work larger muscles, causing the production of nitric oxide that can lower blood pressure.
  • Use high intensity interval training—HIIT. You can get just as much exercise from a shorter HIIT workout as you do from a longer steady-state one. You can’t do HIIT every day, but you can use it when you want to shave 15 minutes off your time.
  • Have your workout written down. You’ll cut time when you have your list of exercises in hand and you’re ready to go. Also skip unproductive moves, like taking long breaks between exercises.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym



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