Is It Easier For Vegetarians To Lose Weight?

It seems like everyone in Houston, Texas, is on some type of special diet, whether it’s low carbs, non-gluten or lactose-free. Some become vegetarians. Choosing a vegetarian way of eating can occur for a number of reasons. Some people choose it for humanitarian reasons, others believe it’s healthier and some choose a vegetarian option to lose weight. There are also different types of vegetarians. There are vegans that eat no animal products, lacto/ovo or lacto-ovo vegetarians that include dairy, eggs or both in their diet. Do any of these help you lose weight?

It’s not about what you don’t eat, but what you do.

No matter what type of diet choices you make, losing weight is not as much about what you don’t eat as what you do eat. While many vegetarians and vegans are thinner, it’s because they eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are high in fiber and lower in calories, so they get full quicker before consuming enough to put on weight. That is true in some cases, but you can’t forget about the food they do eat, some of which is free of animal products, but still high in calories.

Meat is higher in calories, but it fills you up and is a minor problem compared to sugary treats.

If you’re a vegetarian that indulges in “special” vegetarian treats like cake, cookies, candies or high calorie beverages, don’t expect to get that slim appearance most people associate with vegetarians. Nut butters, dried fruit and alcoholic beverages are all higher in calories and vegetarian options. Sugar is a plant-based product and treats containing sugar can pack on the pounds. Most candy bars are vegan-friendly. Most spirits and liqueurs are also vegan options and can pack on the pounds when consumed too often.

No matter what type of diet you choose, it’s about making smart choices within that framework.

You can lose weight on almost any type of special diet, vegetarian, flexitarian or carnivore. The key is to make smart choices in the allowable food you choose. Sure, it’s easier to shed a few pounds when you eat mostly vegetables. They provide fiber that fills you, but with fewer calories. It’s refined foods, foods higher in sugar and fat that will pack on the pounds and those can be part of any type of diet, whether it’s vegetarian or not.

  • People are often tricked into choosing high calorie vegetarian or vegan foods. They believe that if it’s vegan-friendly, it’s automatically healthy and won’t put on weight. That’s not true at all.
  • Consider how the food is cooked. Cooking in vegetable oil adds extra calories, so does breading. Both types of foods can make you gain weight fast. Deep fried foods shouldn’t be part of any healthy diet.
  • Sticking with whole foods, whether you follow a vegetarian diet or not, is the easiest way to lose weight. Whether it’s a purely vegan candy bar or a bag of pork rinds, junk food can spoil your diet and destroy your health.
  • There are some benefits to choosing a vegetarian diet or a plant-based diet. It can reduce the risk of inflammation, hypertension and obesity, while balancing blood sugar and improving cholesterol profiles.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym



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