Reasons We Love Chia Seeds

There are a lot of food fads that circulate in Houston, TX, and not all of them are healthy. Luckily, the latest fad of using chia seeds in recipes is different. These tiny seeds are power-packed and ready to provide not only health benefits but also some benefits for your recipes. Using chia seeds in food isn’t new. It was a mainstay of the Mayan and Aztec diet. These tiny seeds may not look impressive but when you include them regularly in your diet, you’ll get impressive results.

A small amount of these nutrient-dense seeds will keep you feeling full.

They seem high in calories for a tiny seed. Chia seeds have 138 calories for just two tablespoons. Just put them in water and that small amount becomes quite a lot and extremely filling. There are 4.7 grams of protein, 11 grams of carbohydrates, and 8.7 grams of fat in that serving size. The fat the seeds contain is the heart-healthy fat, ALA—alpha-linolenic acid. It also contains 9 grams of fiber. The high fat, fiber, and protein content adds to the feeling of satiety for hours, so you won’t be hungry. The seeds also contain a substantial amount of calcium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, and vitamins B1 and B3.

Besides keeping you feeling full longer, chia seeds can help you lose weight in other ways.

Keeping you feeling full is just one way chia seeds help you feel full. The high protein and healthy fat content are also beneficial for weight loss. Healthy fat is vital to the process of burning excess body fat and high protein helps build muscle tissue. Some weight loss studies focusing on obese and overweight people with type 2 diabetes found that including chia seeds in their diet helped boost weight loss.

Chia seed fiber may increase heart health and help prevent blood sugar spikes.

When you increase the fiber in your diet, it benefits your body in several ways. It aids the digestive system, reduces cholesterol, helps regulate blood sugar, and reduces the risk of heart disease. The seeds also increase ALA—a type of omega-3 fatty acid. It also helps reduce the risk of heart disease. A smaller study found that including chia seeds in the diet may also lower blood pressure and improve heart health.

  • You can use chia seeds as a thickener for soups instead of cornstarch or flour. It makes the soup creamier while adding health benefits. Hydrate the seeds in milk and add fruit for a healthy pudding-like dessert.
  • Adding chia seeds to your diet can improve dental and bone health. The ALA, magnesium, phosphorus, and calcium are necessary for healthy teeth and bones.
  • Chia seeds are high in antioxidants. It helps protect you on a cellular level. Antioxidants prevent free radicals from damaging the cells. The antioxidants in chia seeds help protect the liver and heart. They also help prevent cancer.
  • Chia seeds can help prevent chronic inflammation. The caffeic acid in chia seeds is anti-inflammatory. Inflammation can cause serious health issues, including heart problems and premature aging.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym



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