Can I Manage My Chronic Inflammation?

Inflammation is a necessary function of the body to protect it from invading bacteria and harmful substances. However, when inflammation becomes chronic, it can actually cause damage to the body and lead to health issues, which can include cardiovascular problems. You can manage chronic inflammation by making some healthy lifestyle changes, such as switching your diet, getting adequate sleep and hydration and exercising regularly.

Eat more greens and colorful veggies and fruits.

You probably know by now that food like kale and other leafy greens, such as oak leaf lettuce are exceptionally good for your health and can help reduce inflammation. Other colorful fruits also help. The group of blue, red and orange fruits and veggies, such as cherries, blueberries and strawberries, also help reduce inflammation. Cutting out food high in added sugar or those highly processed makes a huge difference too. By simply cutting out food with added sugar and eating fresh fruit instead, you can reduce inflammation significantly.

Eat fish, but not deep-fried fish.

Fried foods add to inflammation, just as fats like margarine do. Cut back on meat and eat fatty baked fish instead. While red meat doesn’t increase inflammation, it doesn’t help reduce it either. Use red meat substitutes, such as fish or beans as main fare a few days a week to significantly reduce inflammation. It’s especially good for the heart. Fatty fish contains omega3 fatty acids, which are natural anti-inflammatories. When choosing oil, don’t use corn oil, soybean oil and hydrogenated oils, instead, choose olive oil, avocado oil or flaxseed oil.

Other factors that affect chronic inflammation can increase the risk of some serious conditions.

Chronic inflammation is associated with severe diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, IBS, Crohn’s, bone damage and gum disease. It’s also associated with premature aging of the skin, diseases of the blood vessels, COPD and cancer. While diet and exercise can help, other factors play a role. An imbalance in blood sugar levels, lack of sleep, stress, environmental factors and chronic infection also play a role. A program of regular exercise produces IL-6, which reduces TNF that starts the process of inflammation.

  • Certain herbs can help reduce inflammation. These anti-inflammatory herbs include hot chili pepper, ginger root, lemongrass, rosemary, aloe and turmeric. In fact, turmeric is thought to help improve neural stem cell regeneration in the brain.
  • You can aid your digestion and reduce inflammation at the same time when you eat pineapple. Eat it with ginger tea and you’ll get double the benefit. Pineapple is also good for reducing the inflammation of arthritis.
  • What you drink makes a big difference. Not only does sugar cause inflammation, but drinks with artificial sweeteners do also too! Opt for green tea, plain coffee, water or ginger tea instead.
  • Reduce stress and get more sleep to help eliminate chronic inflammation. Stress reduction can come from exercise, meditation, or breathing exercises. Making your home environmentally friendly also helps.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym



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