Can I Really Speed Up My Metabolism?

One reason Rising Fitness in Houston, TX, is so popular is that we not only work on problems you have now, we help prevent future problems. People often complain they can’t lose weight because of a slow metabolism, but that doesn’t mean they can’t speed up their metabolism, so they don’t have to fight weight gain forever. Learning how to boost your metabolism and then doing those things that make a difference may be the most important part of our training. It not only helps you get fit now, it helps you stay fit in the future.

Exercise is key to increasing the calories you burn.

Everyone knows that exercise helps you burn more calories while you’re doing it, but did you know it continues to boost calorie burning long after you’re finished? It also makes changes in your body that increases your resting metabolic rate. HIIT—high intensity interval training—increases afterburn, which is the extra calories burned to get the body back to its resting state. In fact, it can increase the calories burned by as much as 15%. Exercise also builds muscle tissue, which uses more calories for maintenance than fat tissue does, which boosts your metabolism and makes weight loss easier.

What you eat makes a difference.

Can eating increase the number of calories you burn? The answer is a resounding yes. You need to have enough calories daily to keep your body functioning at peak. If your calorie consumption drops too low, the body starts to conserve calories, which means it slows your metabolic rate. Some foods require more calories to digest, such as protein. Protein also helps you feel fuller longer and is necessary to build more muscle tissue, which also burns more calories.

Boost your metabolism by drinking more ice cold water.

It may sound too simple to be true, but drinking water can fill you up so you eat less. If the water is cold, you’ll burn more calories just to warm the water and make it available to the body. Ultimately that warming process is boosting your metabolism. By just drinking six cups of cold water every day, you’ll boost your metabolism by an extra 50 calories. While that doesn’t sound like much, it’s an easy way to burn an extra pound in just 70 days. That’s five pounds a year you lost just by drinking water.

  • Get more sleep at night. If you don’t have enough sleep, you’re probably less active. Lack of sleep can also disrupt your hormones and cause you to gain weight.
  • Get rid of sugar and processed foods. Both provide a boost of energy, since they digest quickly, then just as quickly, produce a rapid drop in your metabolism and energy level.
  • Find ways to eliminate stress and deal with stress that’s unavoidable. Methods to control stress include meditation, deep breathing exercises and even regular exercise. Not only does stress slow metabolism, but it also causes fat around the belly.
  • Include calorie burners in your diet. Green tea, coffee and spicy foods that contain hot peppers with capsaicin are a few calorie burning foods. Using coconut oil when cooking can cause a metabolic boost as high as 12%.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym



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