Signs That You Might Need To Check Your Liver

If you asked most people in Houston, TX, what causes liver disease, many would say alcohol abuse. That’s just not true. There are a wide variety of conditions that can affect the liver, including excess stress, that’s why it’s important to check for signs that you may have a problem. Many of the signs seem innocuous and even unrelated, like bad breath that has a distinct odor of garlic mixed with rotten eggs from sulfur or a fruity citrus smell from limonene. That comes from the liver’s inability to filter out compounds or help metabolize them, so they go to other parts of the body, including the lungs.

Your liver performs a lot of functions.

Your liver performs more than 500 different functions for the body, so you can expect to see many areas being affected when it’s not working right. It’s important to identify a problem early, since it can make reversal, cure and recovery easier. It can prevent a liver-related emergency from ever occurring. Besides flushing out toxins, it produces important products for the body and even regulates blood sugar levels. Sometimes there is no specific cause for a symptom, like continually itching skin that can even disturb sleep. Scientists hypothesize possibilities the reason for it, but no definite conclusion has been drawn.

If you generally feel bad, with aches and pains.

Feeling general malaise, with sore muscles, bone pain and aching joints for no apparent reason, it might be a sign of liver disease. Many things can cause that feeling, so speaking with your health care professional is important. Other signs are loss of appetite, feeling chronically exhausted or nauseous can also be indications you might have liver problems.

Some signs are in plain sight.

Are the whites of your eyes or your skin yellowing? That’s one easily recognized sign called jaundice and a sign of cirrhosis or hepatitis B. Did tiny spider angiomas start to develop? Those are enlarged capillaries right under the surface of the skin. Dark circles under the eyes, bright red palms for no apparent reason, enlarged male breasts and easy bruising are also easily identified symptoms.

  • Changes in your sleep pattern not only can cause liver disease but can be a sign of liver disease. It can cause toxins to build up in the brain, which can also lead to mood changes and memory loss, other signs of a problem.
  • The liver controls both the production and breakdown of many hormones, those also include sex hormones. That’s why erectile dysfunction and shrunken testicles may be an indication of liver problems.
  • Some indications that are hard to ignore include vomiting blood, dark amber, brown or orange urine and swollen legs and feet. These are serious indications and you need to seek medical advice immediately.
  • Dry mouth is another symptom of liver disease. So are dry eyes and chills. Sudden weight gain or weight loss is another sign of cirrhosis or hepatitis C.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym



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