Fat Loss

Easy Ways To Burn More Fat

Easy Ways To Burn More Fat

There are many reasons people benefit so much from training at Rising Fitness in Houston, TX. The personal training, science-backed programs, and years of experience in fitness play an important role. We focus on solid facts and consistent effort, but we also share easy ways to burn more fat that help boost the success of each individual. When building muscle mass and losing fat is your goal, these tips will help you get faster results.

Cardio is great, but don’t forget strength training.

You won’t have the success you want by just doing cardio. Cardio does burn tons of calories, but it gets that energy from both fat tissue and muscle tissue. It can reduce the amount of muscle tissue you have and that makes it even harder to lose weight. Muscle tissue requires more calories for maintenance than fat tissue does, so the more muscle you have, the higher your metabolism. Include strength training in your workout. It burns a lot of calories and those calories come from fat.

Don’t forget to include spicy foods, cold water, and protein in your diet.

Spicy foods, like hot peppers, can burn extra calories by boosting your metabolism. It’s the capsaicin in the peppers that lights the calorie-burning torch. You’ll also burn a few extra calories and get rid of fat by drinking ice-cold water. It takes extra calories to warm the body and it doesn’t require any extra effort. Eating meals high in quality protein provides extra nutrients for building more muscle tissue, which boosts your metabolism. It also fills you up and keeps you feeling full longer.

You need sleep to burn fat.

Sleep plays a huge role in keeping your body fit. Lack of sleep has almost become revered by society, but it plays a huge role in packing fat on the body. Lack of sleep causes an imbalance in the hormones ghrelin—the hunger hormone—and leptin—the hormone that makes you feel full. Lack of sleep suppresses the production of leptin and increases the production of ghrelin, so you’re always hungry. Lack of sleep also lowers your metabolism, so you burn fewer calories throughout the day.

  • Switch the way you workout. Do a HIIT workout. HIIT stands for high intensity interval training. It’s not an exercise, but a way of exercising alternating between high intensity and recovery pace. It keeps the calorie-burning fires going long after the workout ends.
  • Include more fiber in your diet. Slowly add high-fiber foods to your diet, like whole grains, fruits and vegetables. It helps eliminate bloating and keeps you feeling full longer. Adding healthy fat also increases the feeling of satiety.
  • Drink a tall glass of water before you eat. The water will fill you without adding extra calories. You’ll eat less at the meal and leave feeling satisfied, even though you consumed fewer calories.
  • Substitute plain green tea for high-calorie drinks to boost your metabolism and burn more fat. All types of tea contain epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which increases metabolism, but green tea contains the most.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym