Fitness & Wellness

How To Trim Thighs Quickly?

How To Trim Thighs Quickly?

It may be cold outside, but warm weather is just around the corner, which means you still have time to trim your thighs and get your body in shape for beachwear and summer clothing. What can help trim thighs quickly? Exercise. It won’t help you lose fat in a specific area, since fat comes off the body equally in all areas, but it will tone the underlying muscles and make your thighs look thinner, more toned and far more attractive.

Bodyweight exercises can be done almost anywhere.

While you’re waiting for the copy machine to finish your final presentation, do a few squats. They’re excellent for improving thighs. In fact, if you want quicker results, find places where you can do a few extras, like at the sink when you’re doing dishes or preparing supper or squatting when picking up clothes and cleaning the house. You can modify the squats to work different muscles. It’s a matter of adjusting the width of your feet. Go wider than shoulder-width for some and narrower when you’re doing another set, or do a jump squat, which is the best for toning thighs.

Getting in your cardio can help tone the thighs.

Whether you walk, run or climb steps, it’s all good. It provides a cardio workout that burns calories to help you lose weight, while also working the thighs. If you can find a beach with a sand hill, even better. While running up any hill will tighten the inner thigh, trying to run up a sand hill burns even more calories and works your legs harder. Riding bikes with the kids can also tone the thighs.

Save your joints and contact your inner ballerina to tone your thighs.

While jump squats can be a high impact workout, ballet movements that target the thighs normally aren’t. Other low impact exercises that can tone your thighs include yoga and tai chi. All these movements can help tone the legs without causing you to breath hard, so you still need to add cardio to your workout. A plie is similar to a squat and the wider the stance, the better it is for the thighs. Big toe pose, camel pose, child pose and easy pose are a few yoga poses that help.

  • Thigh exercises not only tone the thighs, they help eliminate the jiggle of poor muscle tone and cottage cheese appearance of cellulite. Your legs will look shapelier and more attractive.
  • One easy exercise to learn that’s effective on reducing thigh girth is the walking lunge. The walking lunge engages all the muscles used in running and walking, but in an exaggerated manner, to bring fast results.
  • Believe it or not, lifting weights can tone your thighs and also be part of your strength-building workout. The proper form for lifting is with your legs, not your back. You can even include squats and lunges while holding weights.
  • A rolled up towel or playground ball can act like a thigh-master, that’s less expensive. Put it between your legs and squeeze with your thighs as you watch television.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym

Does Celery Have Negative Calories?

Does Celery Have Negative Calories?

You’ve probably read every “magical” diet combination on the internet, from drinking cabbage soup for meals to an elixir made with lemon juice and honey. When you read the title, you probably thought, “just another scam.” However, it may be true. Celery may have negative calories. Let’s first consider the calories it takes to digest food. Most food requires about 10% of the calories for digestion and celery has more fiber, so it requires 20% to digest.

Whether you’re consuming protein or fat, your body has to work to digest the food.

It’s called the thermic effect. Digestion takes work and work requires calories. Celery also is extremely high in water, besides being high in fiber. Consider this, a rib of celery is approximately 6 calories, now reduce that by 20% for digestion and you have 5 calories. That’s super low but is there any way it could be a negative calorie food?

Celery is packed with water, besides the fiber it contains.

Even though it seems like the water and fiber of celery, plus the fact that celery burns calories to digest might actually cause it to be a negative calorie food, it isn’t. Sad to say, even though theoretically it’s possible to have a food with negative calories, scientists have yet to discover food that does. However, you could eat a massive amount of celery ribs, even an entire stalk, before you would have eaten 100 calories.

While it has never been proven, spices may be as close to a negative food as you’ll get.

There are many spices that may actually be closer to negative calories than celery. Cayenne pepper, for instance, has 17 calories per tablespoon—as if anyone ate a whole tablespoon. However, like other spicy foods, it also increases the body temperatures, which in turn increases metabolism and causes you to burn even more calories. Other spices that boost metabolism include cinnamon, cumin and turmeric. Cinnamon also helps level blood glucose.

  • Celery juice is a natural diuretic. If you have water weight, it can help you shed extra pounds with little or no effort, just by helping you eliminate the bloating from the excess fluid. The fiber in celery can fill you up and keep you feeling full longer.
  • Lower calorie, high fiber, foods include leafy greens, another almost zero or negative calorie food. If you want almost no calorie noodles, try zoodles made from zucchini or opt for a slightly higher calorie spaghetti squash.
  • Asparagus is also a high thermogenic vegetable with loads of fiber and few calories. You can add it to a spinach or kale salad with a few beets and have a fat burning salad that lowers blood pressure in improves your overall health.
  • Not all cinnamon is the same. The type you find at the grocery store, the cheapest type, is cassia cinnamon. It can be toxic at high doses because of the coumarin. Ceylon cinnamon, true cinnamon, has almost no coumarin.
  • For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym

Health Benefits Of Regular Exercise

Health Benefits Of Regular Exercise

There are many clients who come to Rising Fitness in Houston, TX, for more than just weight loss or boosting energy. They often come because of a health scare or to avoid that situation. Some health benefits of regular exercise show up very quickly. They can include a drop in blood pressure, less insulin resistance, weight loss and even less pain. Other health benefits take a while to show up, like weight loss, less pressure on joints, more endurance and more stamina.

Bone loss, osteoporosis, starts with muscle tissue loss.

Part of aging is loss of muscle tissue, unless you work hard to maintain it. It’s harder to build muscle tissue as you age, due to a lower production of key hormones like human growth hormone or testosterone. The loss of muscle tissue starts in the mid to late 30s and continues. As muscles weaken or you exercise less, there’s no tug on the bone that tells the bone to uptake calcium for strength and the depletion of calcium begins the start of osteoporosis. Weight bearing exercise can help prevent that.

Exercise can aid in regulating blood sugar levels.

Whether you have type 2 diabetes, prediabetes or insulin resistance, exercise can help make you more insulin sensitive, which can reverse all three of those problems. Studies show that within four months of starting strength training, subjects not only lowered body fat and built muscle, but they also lowered their blood sugar levels dramatically.

If you have an inflammatory disease, exercise can also help.

Inflammatory diseases are caused by a number of things. If you have an unhealthy gut, it can cause inflammatory diseases. Exercise can help heal the gut and reduce inflammation. Plus, it does one more thing. It can help reduce the pain caused by not only those diseases, but also back and muscle pain. Studies show that rheumatoid arthritis pain is helped with exercise, since it helps build the tendons, muscles and ligaments around the joints to lift the pressure. The increased circulation also reduces the pain. Back pain can be relieved by aiding in relaxing tight muscles, increased circulation and strengthening all the muscles.

  • Exercise helps you lose weight and that can help prevent disease. If you lose as little as 2.2 pounds, it can lower your blood pressure. If that weight comes off around your midsection, the results are even better.
  • Exercise can improve your gut microbiome in as little as six weeks. Your microbiome is the collection of microbes that aid in digestion and produce enzymes that control many things from immunity to mental health.
  • Regular exercise helps lengthen telomeres, which protect the DNA from unraveling, making cells able to replicate longer and with less damage.
  • Regular exercise can boost the production of stem cells that help repair the body. It also helps the process of angiogenesis, where the body maintains the right amount of blood vessels. If you have too many, it promotes cancer and too few, heart disease.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym

Fall In Love With Your Body This Year

Fall In Love With Your Body This Year

I see it all too often. People who want to lose weight hate how they look and hate their own body at the same time. Getting fit takes time. It takes time to change habits and learn to treat yourself right. You have to learn to love your body and do the important things to make sure it’s healthy and well. When you accept yourself, no matter what weight you are or how fit or out of shape you are, you start doing the things that’s best for you and your body, such as making lifestyle changes.

Do you hate your body and your looks because you worry you won’t ever look different?

How your body looks is temporary. It changes every day, every minute. You don’t look like you did last year, whether you consider that a good thing or not. Why not change things and in the process, treat your body the way it deserves to be treated? People are often prophetic. What they believe will happen, happens. That’s because they follow the path that leads them to that point and fail to continue a fitness program, giving up before they accomplish their goal. What if you started a healthy program of fitness and didn’t give up?

Do you think your body defines who you are?

You often give off vibes of who you feel you are. It shows in your posture and everything you do. If you think you’re the “ugly” person, the “fat” person or even the “failure,” you act like you are and people see you that way. When you love your body and yourself just as you are, you start to visualize yourself as someone who deserves the changes you’re about to make and no longer hang on to the false image you’ve attached to yourself.

Learn to look past what you look like today and hold the vision of what you can look like.

Your body isn’t you and how it looks isn’t permanent. Think of how different people look when they first get up, compared to how they look after they shower and get ready to start their day. Getting a new hair cut can make a difference how you look, just like getting in shape can. When you focus more on living healthy and realize getting fit is similar to getting a haircut or applying make-up—although it does take more dedication—it makes the journey far easier.

  • Your weight isn’t good or bad, it just is what it is, the amount you weigh. Focus on your health and keeping your body healthy. It’s the only one you’ll ever have. Once you do that, living a healthier lifestyle is easier.
  • Focus on how you feel, rather than how you look. Start a journal to record what you eat and how you feel afterward and when you exercise and how you feel. You’ll start to notice when you do something good for your body and avoid bad habits, you feel better.
  • Remember that just because you accept yourself as you are, you are destined to remain that way. Appreciate the fact you can exercise and have the ability to treat yourself better and healthier.
  • Learn to accept the fact that occasionally you’ll eat something unhealthy or miss a workout, everyone does. It isn’t the end of healthy eating or exercising. Just go back to good habits the next day and forget it.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym

Is Regular Exercise Really That Important?

Is Regular Exercise Really That Important?

If you’re an active person, you may not think you need a program of regular exercise, but it is important. People who work at a physical job may get a lot of exercise, but it’s not always a balanced program, nor is it consistent. Someone in the building trades might lift a lot of sheetrock one day but do no heavy lifting for several weeks afterward. It’s all about consistency and actually preparing those muscles for the times you do push yourself to the limit. It’s why the military trains for the potential difficult situations they may face.

You need variety and all types of fitness.

You need varied workouts to attend to all types of fitness, strength, endurance, flexibility and balance. Each type of workout plays a role in your overall health and fitness. If you can lift twice your weight but can’t walk a block without resting to catch your breath, you’re not fit. If your muscles are tight, eventually you’ll face injury if you lift too much. All types of fitness require regular workouts.

Consistency is key.

You may be able to cram enough knowledge into your head in one night to get you through a tough final exam, but fitness doesn’t work that way. It takes time to build muscle tissue and also time to develop endurance and flexibility. Some subjects in school also require consistent effort that you can’t learn overnight. If you workout once a month and push your body as hard as you can, you’ll more than likely face injury, rather than get results.

Once you hit your mid-30s, you start to lose muscle tissue faster.

It’s estimated that you lose muscle mass. It’s between 3 and 5% every decade. That only happens if you don’t exercise on a regular basis. Building muscle tissue can also become harder, since hormones that help build muscles start to diminish. Working out on a regular basis keeps your body’s testosterone and HGH levels higher. It also increases the number of stem cells in your body to keep you healthier and looking younger.

  • When you schedule your workout at the same time every day, you’ll actually physically miss it when you don’t exercise. It causes you to form a habit that makes it easier to stick with the program.
  • A program of regular exercise can help improve your posture and make you look more confident. Improved posture also can help prevent health issues, such as acid reflux and breathing difficulties.
  • No matter when you start a workout program, if you do it on a regular basis, you’ll make your senior years more productive. A program of regular exercise can slow the aging process and keep you looking younger.
  • Sticking with a program of regular exercise can make you a happier and healthier person. It burns off the hormones of stress and makes you feel better and in more control.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym

Using Elderberries To Fight Your Cold And Flu

Using Elderberries To Fight Your Cold And Flu

You may have heard grandma or grandpa talk about picking wild elderberries for jams, jellies, wines or even syrups that can be used for pancakes or ones to boost the immune system to help a fight a cold or the flu. Scientists now recognize that using elderberries can be beneficial. The benefits of elderberries are particularly good for people with compromised lungs with diseases like COPD. In addition to being good for respiratory disorders, elderberry and elderberry products can be good for those with diabetes and can help maintain eye, heart and digestive health.

Elderberries have been used for centuries for healing.

There’s evidence that elderberries not only have been around for centuries, but their benefits have also been known for almost as long. Scientists discovered elderberry recipes used for healing in Ancient Egypt and there’s even evidence that prehistoric man may have cultivated elderberries as long ago as 3,000 BCE. It’s a flowering shrub that can look like a tree and grows almost everywhere in the world. They can grow in almost any type of soil.

Elderberries can prevent viruses from attaching to the body’s cells.

Viruses can’t replicate themselves. They need a living host cell in order to do that. The virus injects its genetic material into the cell, hijacking the cell and taking it over. Viruses have spiny looking projectiles on their surface called glycoproteins. They help viruses avoid the immune system and identify, bind and enter a healthy cell’s receptors. Their basic function is to attach the virus to the receptor of the cell and insert their own RNA, so the cells can replicate them by the millions. The phytochemicals shikimic acid, anthocyanin and quercetin, among others, inhibit the process.

Those phytochemicals block the protein, preventing attachment.

By blocking the protein and preventing attachment, the virus can’t take over, and the immune system can handle the problem easier. What happens if the virus has already entered the cell? No matter how many times it blocks additional entries, you’re already infected with the virus. The phytochemicals have that covered, too. They stimulate the cells that have been taken over by these viral hitchhikers to release cytokines. Cytokines are chemical messengers used to coordinate a more aggressive response to invading pathogens. They identify and tag the virus. That makes it easier for the immune system to do its job, allowing it to recognize the virus and eliminating it.

  • One study published in 2004, showed that taking an elderberry extract within 48 hours of getting the flu shortened the duration. Those getting a placebo showed no improvement, while those who received an elderberry extract were symptom free or had milder symptoms.
  • Elderberries also have dietary fiber, antioxidants like flavanols and phenolic acid and vitamin C. It’s low in calories and carbs, too.
  • Eating elderberries raw can cause digestive upsets due to the cyanogenic glycosides. Eating too many raw berries can have dire consequences. However, once you cook the berries, there is no problem.
  • Elderberries contain shikimic acid, one of the phenolic acids. It’s an effective blocker of spike protein and is used in making many antiviral and antibacterial drugs, including Tamiflu.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym

Signs That You Might Need To Check Your Liver

Signs That You Might Need To Check Your Liver

If you asked most people in Houston, TX, what causes liver disease, many would say alcohol abuse. That’s just not true. There are a wide variety of conditions that can affect the liver, including excess stress, that’s why it’s important to check for signs that you may have a problem. Many of the signs seem innocuous and even unrelated, like bad breath that has a distinct odor of garlic mixed with rotten eggs from sulfur or a fruity citrus smell from limonene. That comes from the liver’s inability to filter out compounds or help metabolize them, so they go to other parts of the body, including the lungs.

Your liver performs a lot of functions.

Your liver performs more than 500 different functions for the body, so you can expect to see many areas being affected when it’s not working right. It’s important to identify a problem early, since it can make reversal, cure and recovery easier. It can prevent a liver-related emergency from ever occurring. Besides flushing out toxins, it produces important products for the body and even regulates blood sugar levels. Sometimes there is no specific cause for a symptom, like continually itching skin that can even disturb sleep. Scientists hypothesize possibilities the reason for it, but no definite conclusion has been drawn.

If you generally feel bad, with aches and pains.

Feeling general malaise, with sore muscles, bone pain and aching joints for no apparent reason, it might be a sign of liver disease. Many things can cause that feeling, so speaking with your health care professional is important. Other signs are loss of appetite, feeling chronically exhausted or nauseous can also be indications you might have liver problems.

Some signs are in plain sight.

Are the whites of your eyes or your skin yellowing? That’s one easily recognized sign called jaundice and a sign of cirrhosis or hepatitis B. Did tiny spider angiomas start to develop? Those are enlarged capillaries right under the surface of the skin. Dark circles under the eyes, bright red palms for no apparent reason, enlarged male breasts and easy bruising are also easily identified symptoms.

  • Changes in your sleep pattern not only can cause liver disease but can be a sign of liver disease. It can cause toxins to build up in the brain, which can also lead to mood changes and memory loss, other signs of a problem.
  • The liver controls both the production and breakdown of many hormones, those also include sex hormones. That’s why erectile dysfunction and shrunken testicles may be an indication of liver problems.
  • Some indications that are hard to ignore include vomiting blood, dark amber, brown or orange urine and swollen legs and feet. These are serious indications and you need to seek medical advice immediately.
  • Dry mouth is another symptom of liver disease. So are dry eyes and chills. Sudden weight gain or weight loss is another sign of cirrhosis or hepatitis C.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym

Is Non-Fat Milk Better Than Full Fat Milk?

Is Non-Fat Milk Better Than Full Fat Milk?

If it weren’t bad enough to have to choose from non-fat milk, 1% milk, 2% milk and full fat milk, now there are plant based and lactose free options, too. Which option is healthier? Let’s just look at comparing fat free and full fat milk and clear up that discussion first. It’s all about the fat in whole milk that has people concerned, but what caused that concern? It all started with Ancel Keys, who created K-rations, the Mediterranean diet and was opposed to saturated fat in the diet. It then was followed by a mega study, a compilation of studies, completed by Harvard scientists in the 1960s. They found that fat in the diet was linked to heart disease. The problem with that study is that the sugar industry paid for them to find that, to combat the charge that sugar was causing heart disease and make the culprit fat. The plan worked and the world began to focus on eliminating fat.

Fat in your diet is necessary.

If you don’t have adequate fat, your body won’t be able to function as well as it should. Not all fat is bad. Trans fats, for instance, are bad fats that can cause a number of health problems. However, other types of fats, such as monounsaturated fat or omega 3 fatty acids, are important to good health. Healthy fats occur in nature. Trans fats also do, but in very minor amounts. The biggest amount of trans fats is manmade and occurs when you hydrogenate oil to make it solid and more stable.

Dairy does contain saturated fat.

One problem with old science is that methods have improved. When saturated fats were declared an enemy, nobody differentiated them from trans fats. Saturated fats are necessary for a healthy body. They’re important for brain health, since a large part of the brain is cholesterol and fat, with the fat being saturated fat. It needs it to grow, regenerate and be at its best. Your heart also needs it. Cholesterol levels are regulated by lauric and stearic acids that are in saturated fat. It’s also important for bone health, the nervous system and the immune system.

You can make the fat in whole milk even healthier by using milk from pastured cows.

Cows that graze and eat like they were intended to eat, not locked up and fed a diet of grain and processed food (yes even cows have problems with a processed food diet.), produce milk that’s healthier for you. It contains a better balance of omega3 to Omega6 fatty acids. It contains five times the amount of CLA—conjugated linoleic acid, an unsaturated fatty acid that’s heart healthy.

  • The saturated fat in whole milk is important for white blood cells. It gives them the ability to both identify and destroy viruses, fungi and bacteria that invade the body.
  • As you age, especially women, saturated fat is even more necessary. It’s important for the infusion of calcium into the bone to prevent bone thinning that leads to injury.
  • The saturated fat in milk is also important to insulate your nerves, preventing susceptibility to internal and external stress. Fats also act as signaling messengers to keep messaging between cells functioning.
  • Studies show a link between drinking whole milk actually helps you lose weight. The saturated fat helps fill you up so you don’t eat as much. Some fat free milk products also have added sugar, a very unhealthy option, to make them more palatable.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym

How Processed Foods Affect Your Health

How Processed Foods Affect Your Health

It takes more than just exercise to be your healthiest. We understand that at Rising Fitness in Houston, TX and include both nutrition and exercise in our program. What you eat makes a huge difference in your health. If you’re constantly consuming junk food and highly processed foods, you won’t have the building blocks to become your fittest and may even be sabotaging your goals to be healthier. It’s more than just empty calories you’re consuming, there are other reasons highly processed food should not be part of your diet.

Sugar is one reason processed foods are so bad.

Whether it’s high fructose corn syrup—HFC, sucrose, or one of the other 56 names for sugar, it’s not good for your body, even if it’s natural. Sugar can cause blood pressure to rise, lead to obesity, diabetes, cancer, heart disease and dental carriers. The vast majority of highly processed foods contain sugar, even ones you wouldn’t suspect. Food you might think of as healthy, since it’s labeled low fat, may have the fat removed, but it’s replaced with sugar to make it taste better. All take a toll on your health.

Highly processed foods contain man-made additives that affect your body.

If you read the labels of many processed foods, you’ll notice that it’s like reading a chemistry book. Many of the additives are made in the lab. For instance, HFC isn’t natural, no matter what the commercial says. It’s created by adding an enzyme produced by bacteria to the glucose from potatoes or corn to increase fructose, then added to pure corn syrup. The new sugar is between 43 and 55% fructose and the rest glucose. Other types of sugar are unhealthy, but this Frankenstein sugar affects your body even worse because it’s put in a high percentage of processed foods.

It’s also about what processed foods don’t contain.

Processing takes out a lot of nutrients and removes the benefits from the whole food. For instance, refined flour has had bran and germ, leaving only the endosperm. While all the parts of wheat have some nutrients, the part that’s left, the endosperm, is mostly starchy carbohydrates to provide energy. The bran that’s removed is high in fiber, antioxidants and B vitamins, while the germ has healthy fat, protein, B vitamins and minerals. Food with processed flour not only has fewer nutrients, but it has also less fiber to keep you feeling full longer. Since many highly processed foods are high in additives, sugar and refined flour, they pose a triple threat.

  • The use of enzymes from bacteria has been increased dramatically in the last 30 years, and so has the problem of obesity. Much of that has come from HFCS. Is the connection to the enzymes or the HFCS?
  • Processed meats, like hot dogs and luncheon meat have preservatives that increase shelf life. The nitrates used can increase blood pressure and cause health issues, like increased risk of diabetes and obesity.
  • Much of the fiber and healthy fat has been removed from processed foods. Both fiber and fat help you feel fuller longer. Fiber helps prevent blood sugar spikes and healthy fat is necessary to burn body fat.
  • It’s not just processed food, but also processed drinks that can affect your health. Even if you opt for diet drinks, studies show it can increase visceral fat, the fat around the midsection that’s most dangerous to your health.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym

Why Cardio Is So Good For Weight Loss?

Why Cardio Is So Good For Weight Loss?

Our workouts focus on all types of exercise, since you need all types of fitness. I’ve often been asked why cardio is so good for weight loss. If you’ve read other blogs, you’ll notice that the focus is often on strength building, since it builds muscle tissue as it burns calories, but that doesn’t mean cardio doesn’t isn’t good. In fact, it is. Studies show that cardio torches calories and some cardio does it more than others do. For instance, HIIT cardio workouts, where you modify the intensity, going from high intensity to recovery and back, burns huge amounts.

Cardio has the ability to raise your metabolic rate.

When you walk, run or do any type of exercise, it can increase your output of energy, which burns calories immediately. It also increases the body’s demand for oxygen, which increases the mitochondrial enzymes and lets the body get more energy from fat oxidation, so it burns more fat. However, it can also burn muscle tissue to get those calories and the more muscle tissue you have, the higher your metabolism. That’s why you need more than just cardio to boost weight loss.

Some types of cardio continue to burn calories long after the exercise ends.

HIIT workouts cause increased EPOC, excess post-exercise oxygen consumption. It means then continuing to oxidize fat and increase the growth hormone levels of the body, which also adds to fat loss. This type of cardio, compared to steady-state cardio where you continue at the same pace, is superior when it comes to calorie burning. Also, exercises that do double duty, like strength building and cardio, can boost the overall energy you burn as they build muscle tissue. Kettle bell workouts fall into this type of exercise category.

You don’t need special equipment for some cardio workouts.

You don’t have to have special equipment to do cardio. It’s especially important if you’re just starting a weight loss plan. You can walk, run or do jumping jacks to get in your cardio workout and boost your weight loss. You can even modify walking into a HIIT workout by alternating between walking fast and a recovery pace. If calorie burning is your ultimate goal, focus on jumping rope. It’s a compound workout that involves several muscle groups and joints.

  • No matter what type of exercise you add, it can increase the number of calories you burn. Even mild workouts like Tai chi can help you burn calories and have been linked to benefitting people with Type 2 diabetes and osteoarthritis.
  • You can increase the number of calories you burn as an additional aid in weight loss, by increasing your activity level. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Climbing stairs is a cardio activity.
  • The Department of Health and Human Services suggests that all adults have between 150 and 300 minutes of moderate exercise every week or 75 to 150 minutes of moderate activity.
  • The singing method is one way to measure intensity. If you can carry on a conversation, but can’t sing, it’s moderate intensity. If you’re breathing rapidly after a few minutes but can only gasp a few words and have to stop for breath, it’s high intensity.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym