Fitness & Wellness

Best At Home Protein Shake

Best At Home Protein Shake

A complete approach to fitness is important. Considering nutrition as part of your fitness plan can help improve your health and help you achieve your goals quickly. At Rising Fitness in Houston, TX, we encourage both a healthy diet and regular exercise. Part of your healthy diet can include using a protein supplement, particularly after an intense workout. To get the maximum nutrition from your protein supplement, make your own home protein shake. You can include a number of ingredients and make it a drink you’ll love that’s also healthy.

A protein shake as a meal replacement.

While a protein shake can be a quick after workout snack to replace the glycogen lost and boost muscle repair, it can also be a whole meal. You can make it a meal replacement by including both fruits and vegetables. Cut out the added sugar and rely on natural sweetness of the fruit to add flavor. In this case, a half a frozen banana and a fourth cup of blueberries provide the sweetness. Add to those fruits, ¼ cup coconut yogurt, ½ cup almond milk, ¼ cup frozen spinach, 1 tsp chia seeds, ½ grated ginger and 2 tablespoons of plain or vanilla protein powder. Blend it and enjoy. You can substitute kale or other green leafy veggie for the spinach or add extra blueberries on top for even more sweetness.

Treat yourself and your sweet tooth to a healthy protein drink that’s delicious.

You can choose regular whole milk, low fat milk or oat or almond milk for this recipe. The whole milk variety will have far more calories. You can also use vegetarian protein powder or a non-vegetarian variety. Combine ½ banana—frozen or fresh, 1/8 cup walnuts, 1 cup of milk of your choice, 1 tsp dark chocolate morsels, 1/3 cup chocolate protein powder and six ice cubes.

Make it fancy with a swirl.

Treat yourself to a special smoothie and make it fancy. You can use frozen fruit for this one. Combine a ½ cup of frozen blueberries, blackberries or raspberries with 1/3 cup of orange juice and blend. Pour equal amounts in the bottom of two glasses. Clean the blender. Put in 1 ½ cup frozen peaches, a ripe banana that was cut into chunks and frozen, two 5.3-oz serving sizes of vanilla Greek yogurt 1 tablespoon honey and ¼ tsp ground ginger. Blend until smooth, then pour over the berry mixture and swirl with a spoon. Beware when you buy the Greek yogurt. Not all are equal. Some contain a hideous amount of sugar. Icelandic style yogurt is thicker and several brands, like Siggi’s and Smari have less sugar and are made from milk from grass fed cows.

  • You can also make your own vanilla yogurt without all the excess sugar by combining 10.6 ounces of plain yogurt with 1 tablespoon powdered sugar, 1/3 teaspoon vanilla and a dash of cinnamon. One tablespoon of powdered sugar is approximately ½ tablespoon of granulated, but it mixes easier.
  • You can make smoothies out of most fruits and vegetables. Some smoothies are best for specific results, like getting rid of belly fat with smoothies containing kiwi, pineapple, Greek yogurt and kale.
  • Another sweet treat that uses no sugar but includes 2 pitted dates and a chopped apple for sweetness is a chocolate protein shake. Combine the fruit with 1-T almond butter, 1-T cocoa powder, 1 cup milk, and ½ C plain yogurt. Blend and top with 1-T grated dark chocolate.
  • If you’re using milk in a smoothie, the calorie difference between whole milk and unsweetened almond or oat milk are substantial, with the plant based milk far lower and the best option for weight loss.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym

How To Lose Weight With No Time To Exercise

How To Lose Weight With No Time To Exercise

When you want to lose weight, both diet and exercise are important. Which is the most important? It’s actually your diet. You simply can’t out-exercise a bad diet. However, exercise boosts your weight loss efforts, so it can make it easier. It not only burns extra calories, but it also builds muscle tissue, which requires more calories than fat tissue does. That effectively boosts your metabolism. Even if you have no time to exercise there are some things you can do to boost your activity level, which is important.

Your diet should be the top priority for weight loss.

If you really have no time for exercise, focus on your diet. Your diet not only determines the number of calories you consume, but it also provides the raw materials to build muscle tissue and provide extra energy and good health. Making dietary changes that create lifelong habits are called lifestyle changes, which can help you keep weight off permanently.

If you’re busy, there are ways to boost your activity level.

Just moving is important. If you normally sit at work, take five minutes every hour to get up and move. Walk to lunch, park further from the store when you go to the grocery or take the stairs not the elevator to increase your activity level and boost your calorie burning. Do exercises while you’re watching TV or binge watching videos. You can do a plank while you’re watching or take a break every hour to do a ten minute routine.

Do compound exercise, HIIT workouts or full body workouts for efficiency.

If you’re busy, you want to get the most bang for your buck when it comes to workout time. You can use compound exercises that work several joints and muscles at once, like squats. Squats work core muscles, glutes, hamstrings, calves and quadriceps, while burning lots of calories. HIIT workouts aren’t specific types of exercises, just how you do the exercise. It can even be done with walking. It’s modifying the intensity of the exercise. It also burns a lot of calories. It’s going from top speed for a few minutes back to a recovery pace, then back to top speed. Full body exercises like planks or push-ups, burn tons of calories.

  • Losing weight is definitely easier when you burn more calories with exercise. It doesn’t have to be a formal exercise program. It could be as simple as dancing, taking the kids for a walk or gardening.
  • Consider using ankle and wrist weights if you walk. It can boost the effort and burn more calories every time you walk.
  • If you don’t have a fun hour or half hour to workout, break it up to five or ten minute sessions. It’s just as effective as doing your workout all at once and easier to fit into your schedule.
  • You can save time and make more time for exercise by having a list of exercises to do when you have a few minutes. You can use your cell phone to record when you did it or have a list to check it off.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym

How Carrying Extra Weight Can Negatively Affect Your Health

How Carrying Extra Weight Can Negatively Affect Your Health

If you’re carrying extra weight, it’s like walking around with barbells or dumbbells attached to your body. It’s not so bad if it’s just a few pounds, but more than if you’re more than five percent overweight, it can start to affect your health. Obesity and excess weight can cause hormonal changes that even affect your metabolism, making it even harder to lose weight. One area that is often noticed by individuals is joint pain. You can imagine how damaging the excess weight is to your knees, hips and ankles every time you take a step.

Being overweight can increase your risk of type 2 diabetes.

There’s a direct relationship between being overweight and type 2 diabetes. Every eight out of ten people with diabetes are overweight. Type 2 diabetes starts with high blood sugar levels, which increase insulin levels. Over time, when the body is flooded with too high of blood glucose, the cells quit responding to the insulin because it puts stress on the endoplasmic reticulum, which is a membrane system that is inside cells. That stress causes the cells to cease opening, leaving higher sugar levels in the blood stream and causing even more insulin and this vicious circle ends in diabetes.

If you’re considering having a child, being overweight can cause complications.

Women normally gain a few extra pounds when they’re pregnant, so starting out overweight poses a double threat. It’s a factor in developing gestational diabetes, high blood pressure, blood clots, pre-eclampsia, insulin resistance, miscarriage premature birth and excessive bleeding after delivery. If your body mass index—a number arrived at by comparing your height to your weight—is over 40, your potential for one of those complications is huge. In fact, women with a BMI higher than 40 when they became pregnant had at least one of the complications.

High blood pressure and heart disease are a risk for anyone overweight.

High blood pressure often rises with your weight. It can lead to kidney damage, stroke, blood vessel damage and heart disease. It can increase your risk of heart attack, too. Excess weight increases the pressure on the artery walls so your heart has to pump harder. Obesity can also lead to high cholesterol levels, which cause arteries to block and narrow. By just losing 5 to 10% of your overall weight, you could lower your risk of heart disease and other chronic diseases significantly.

  • Gallbladder disease and some types of cancers are related to being overweight. If you have too much cholesterol, gallstones can be created. The risk of some types of cancers are also increased when you’re overweight.
  • Sleep apnea, which causes people to quit breathing when they sleep, is more prevalent in people who are overweight, due to the fat on their neck narrowing their airway. That causes snoring and difficulty breathing.
  • Non-alcoholic liver disease, often referred to as fatty liver disease, occurs because fat builds on the liver, causing damage and scarring, which is cirrhosis. It can lead to liver failure and being overweight is a risk factor.
  • Besides physical health issues, which include stroke, being overweight can take a toll on you mentally. While it shouldn’t lead to feelings of shame or guilt, it does. That often leads to depression.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym

Ways To Get Your 10,000 Steps In

Ways To Get Your 10,000 Steps In

Setting a goal for activity is motivating. That’s why 10,000 daily steps became so popular. There’s no better place than Houston, Texas, if you want to walk. Sometimes weather, a busy schedule or other interruptions can deter you from your goal. Here are a few ways to increase your daily steps and some less obvious ways to get your 10,000 steps for the day.

You can break your daily goal into segments.

It’s a daily goal. That means you don’t have to do it all at once. Studies are constantly finding that what was previously believed about exercise and the body, isn’t necessarily true. Only a full hour of exercise at one time was considered adequate years ago. As more research occurred, changes were made to that hypothesis. It became clear that exercise could be broken down to sections of five, ten and more minute intervals, doing several throughout the day to reach a goal. Try to get a few extra steps in throughout the day.

Walk to lunch or use a trip to the store to boost your steps.

If having lunch near the office is an option, walk to lunch. Park further from stores and restaurants and walk the extra steps. Instead of making it your goal to park closest to the door, make it your goal to get in extra steps. Save the gas circling the area, too. If there’s a choice between taking the steps and an elevator or escalator, take the steps. Don’t just stand on the people movers, walk in conjunction with their movement if possible.

Pace while you wait.

Are you on the phone? Stand up and pace while you talk. It’s especially good if you’re on the phone a lot! How many times have you stood watching the microwave seconds tick by? Walk while it’s on, pace across the kitchen and back until it dings. Include pacing during commercials when you’re watching videos or TV. Are you getting together with people after work for a drink? Make that a water and a walk. You’ll be surprised at how many people actually want to increase their activity but don’t feel comfortable mentioning it.

  • You can even accomplish more and have relaxation, too. If you’re watching TV or videos, get up and do something, whether it’s loading the laundry or cleaning a small area, you’ll be getting more done and getting exercise.
  • Improve your daily house cleaning routine. Get up and put something away as soon as you’re done using it, even if you might use it later. Vacuum the floor more frequently to get in extra steps.
  • Take a few minutes every morning or evening and dance. It doesn’t matter how well you dance, just move. Make the song inspirational or one that puts a smile on your face.
  • You can vary your speed when you walk and make it a HIIT workout with a few minutes at high intensity and back down to recovery. Walking is a start, but you also need strength, flexibility and balance training. We can help you with ta complete program.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym

Do Men Need More Calories Than Women?

Do Men Need More Calories Than Women?

When you read articles stating how many calories you need based on height, weight and sex, they’re generalized. No two people are alike. Your body build makes a difference, so does your activity level. In general, however, men need more calories than women do. It can be pretty discouraging if you’re a woman who has started a weight loss program with her husband to watch him lose weight faster, sometimes even eating more. There are differences in the body bodies of men and women that can cause that to occur.

Start with the average for your age and gender.

If you’re overweight, you’re eating more calories than your body needs to be its best weight. If you eat 3500 calories more than you need, you gain a pound. Eating 3500 calories less causes you to lose a pound. Track the amount of calories you presently consume and compare it to the average amount required by males or females in your age bracket. The average man between 19 and 30, needs between 2600 calories and 2800 calories each day to function and the average woman needs 2000 to 2200. As you age those calorie requirements lower.

Muscle mass makes a difference and that’s where men have an advantage.

The average male has more lean muscle mass than the average woman, due to hormonal differences. The more muscle mass you have, the higher your calorie requirement. Muscle tissue requires more calories than fat tissue does. A man that’s fit has between 87 to 94% lean muscle mass, while the average fit female has from 77 to 91% lean muscle mass. For the average American, those numbers change to 75-86% for men and 69-76% for women. That difference accounts for much of the difference in calorie requirements.

There are many other factors to consider.

Men tend to be heavier, with a bigger body build. That means they’ll burn more calories. However, even within the gender category there is a wide variety of caloric needs. Other factors play a role even if two individuals are the same height, weight and gender. Activity level plays a role. The more active you are, the more calories you burn. Age makes a difference, too. The potential reason for that is loss of muscle mass as people age.

  • Most men are taller than women, which means they have more body mass and have to carry more weight. It takes more calories to which carry that extra mass all day.
  • As people age, they normally lose muscle mass, which makes weight loss harder. It doesn’t have to be that way. No matter what your age, getting fitter can help slow or even reverse that process.
  • The more active you are, the more calories you’ll burn. That’s true no matter what your gender. If you want to lose weight, get off the couch and get more active. A man that’s sedentary burns fewer calories than an active woman does.
  • Having a personalized program can help you shed extra pounds, while learning how to maintain a healthier lifestyle, adding years to your life and life to those years.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym

Is It Possible To Lose More Than 1-2 Pounds A Week?

Is It Possible To Lose More Than 1-2 Pounds A Week?

There are ways to lose ten pounds a week, but in most cases, they involve illness and water weight loss. You can lose more than 1-2 pounds a week and still be healthy, but the rate won’t necessarily continue throughout your weight loss efforts. There are healthy ways to lose weight and unhealthy ones. The unhealthy ones include fad starvation diets. The problem with a fad diet is that you often lose a lot of water weight, making the weight loss anything but permanent.

Each person is unique.

If you’re grossly overweight and combine a healthy diet with a program of exercise, you’ll probably lose more than a pound or two a week for a while. Too rapid of weight loss can lead to gallstones, flabby skin, fatigue, muscle wasting, metabolic disorders and even hormonal imbalances, which include metabolic disorders. That mostly occurs on starvation diets. A healthy diet combined with exercise will build muscle tissue as you lose weight. The more muscle tissue you have, the higher your metabolism.

Expect your weight loss to slow slightly as you shed those extra pounds.

Unless you boost your workout intensity, the more weight you lose, the slower the weight loss becomes. If you’re thirty pounds overweight, it’s like carrying a thirty pound weight with you everywhere. As you lose weight, that extra burden becomes lighter and burns fewer calories. While building muscle tissue will increase the calories burned, you might see a slow down. Initial weight loss can also be water weight, not fat loss. That’s also temporary.

Aim for a pound or two a week and appreciate it if you lose more.

One big problem with most people who want to lose weight is that they focus too heavily on day to day changes. Your weight is constantly going up and down. That’s why weighing once a week is best. The amount of glycogen available in the muscle tissue is what makes a difference. When you first cut calories, the body burns the glycogen stores in the muscles to provide energy, plus 3 times that weight in water. You can lose over a pound of weight loss initially from glycogen loss with up to 4 pounds in water, but it is replenished later. So, fluctuations are normal.

  • Track your exercise and diet for reference. If you find your progress isn’t what it should be, review the week and see what you could have done differently.
  • Not only can extremely cutting calories and over-exercising cause illness, it can be counterproductive. You can end up losing lean muscle mass or find your program is suffering due to fatigue, making weight loss harder.
  • Taking it slow gives you time to form new habits. When you make regular exercise and healthy eating a habit, you never face the problem of being overweight again.
  • At Rising Fitness, we can help you with a personalized program of exercise and nutrition to help you lose weight in a healthy manner and establish habits that will keep that weight from returning.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym

Does Meal Planning Really Save You Money?

Does Meal Planning Really Save You Money?

If you’re already a member of Rising Fitness in Houston, Texas, you know that the right nutrition is important for a healthy body. That’s why eating healthy is important. One way to ensure a healthy diet is through meal planning. You may think it’s expensive and uses special food, but it’s actually pretty easy and can really save you money. In fact, once you establish your pattern of shopping on one day a week and prep on another, you’ll find it’s quicker than a drive through and you’ll be healthier.

Protein sources don’t have to cost a fortune.

Try a meatless Monday, Tuesday or both. One of the biggest expenses for a meal is usually the protein source, particularly if it’s animal protein. Over the last year animal protein has increased in price more than other types of food. So how do you control your budget and still eat healthy? Eat meals with plant-based protein sources. Plant-based proteins often lack of complete amino acids, so you have to combine them to ensure you get the daily required nutrients. Examples, such as black beans and brown rice, combine to create a complete protein source. Add a vegetable and salad and you have a nutritious, well-balanced meal that’s also inexpensive.

You may think carryout and frozen foods are quicker and time is money.

If you cook all the week’s meals at once, you save time. Planning allows you to make a grocery list, so you shop all at once and when you cook, you can cook several things at one time, saving more money using the oven. Double up recipes and freeze the extra meals and you can build a store of meals and take a week off or be ready for unexpected company. It’s just heat and serve, cheaper and quicker than a drive through line.

Use the same food for several meals.

That doesn’t mean you’ll serve the same dish several times, but create a several dishes using the same food source. If you’re having chicken breasts, buy a whole chicken and use the other parts for chicken salad and soup. Boil the extra parts and you have a broth base for the soup with the chicken, all you need to add are vegetables. Those can be the left over fresh veggies you prepared for snacks or leftover veggies from other meals. It’s like having a free meal. Nothing goes to waste, including celery tops. Left over beef can be shredded for taco salad or power bowls.

  • When you plan meals, you can check your cupboards and fridge before you shop, to see if you already have the ingredients. It helps use up the food on the shelf and in the fridge before it goes bad.
  • If you have a stock of food already on your shelves, check the use by label and use a marker to make it more prominent. Organize your shelves so you use the oldest food first. Mark freezer bags of prepared meals with dates.
  • Plan around seasonal fresh fruits and vegetables and sale items. Most groceries offer coupons online that you can download to your loyalty card. Take advantage of it. Make it a game. It can be fun to see how little healthy, yet delicious meals can cost.
  • Planning meals not only saves money on the food, it saves time at the grocery if you only go once a week and gas wasted waiting in lines at the drive-through. You won’t have food go to waste, which saves more money.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym

Pros And Cons Of Meal Box Delivery Services

Pros And Cons Of Meal Box Delivery Services

Meal box delivery services seem like a great idea. USPS or other shipping service rings your bell or knocks on the door and you have meals for several days. Some are just for convenience, but still nutritious, others are focused on special needs, like weight loss. There are pros and cons of both types of meals, so you have to find out if they’re right for you or if making your own meals is a better idea.

If you hate to cook for one, a delivery service might seem like a good idea.

If you’ve considered options like Hello Fresh or meal box delivery services that help you lose weight, it might seem like an easy option that can keep you on a healthy path for eating. These services do encourage healthier eating, since you’ll be eating at home, but you don’t have control of what goes into the food. If you’re trying to learn how to eat healthier, cooking the food yourself and storing meals ahead in the refrigerator is a better tool. You can make several weeks’ worth of meals at once if you live alone or if there’s just two of you. It can save a lot of money.

If cost is no option, then one downside is eliminated.

If you hate spending extra money or are finding your budget a little tighter, meal boxes cost more than meal planning does. It all depends on the company you use. Meal boxes can average around $10 per meal and meal planning meals can average around $4. That’s a savings of 150%. Even if you get a great intro offer, you still have to make sure you cancel before it gets expensive and that’s not always easy to do. Freshness is a problem, too. If you’re shopping, you know how fresh the food is, but some meal box meals don’t arrive fresh as they should be and you’re stuck with the meal.

What’s the trade off?

On one hand, you can meal plan, have fresh produce, cook the meals yourself and spend less. On the other hand, you can simply debit out of your account, pay more and have someone else prepare the meals for you. It all depends on which one suits your needs. If your household has more than one person, meal box delivery services can become quite expensive. If you’re single, you can still save money making meals yourself by making extra and freezing for later.

  • You can use one ingredient several ways when you plan your meals. That saves money. You also can make healthy snacks, which can help you lose weight.
  • Whether you’re doing meal planning or using meal kits, you’ll learn how to eat healthier. Since you create meals from scratch with meal planning, you’ll learn all the healthy ingredients that go into food.
  • If you have special needs like a food allergy or intolerance, you may be better off choosing meal planning. You have more control of the ingredients and can learn alternative ways to make certain foods.
  • Making your own food doesn’t have to be a task. Once you start experiencing how good it tastes, you’ll learn how to expand your knowledge to new taste treats that are healthy and lower in calories.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym

Tips For Dieting On A Budget

Tips For Dieting On A Budget

If you’re like many people, you dread dieting and think it has to cost a fortune. Here’s a news flash! It can be far cheaper than fast food, better for you and even more rewarding. In fact, dieting on a budget can save you a lot of money! How can that be? First, consider what you’re presently eating. If you’re eating at a “cheap” fast food joint, one meal can cost $10 or more. If you purchase a week’s worth of groceries for one when you meal plan, it can cost as little as $35, depending on what you’re eating. That’s half the cost and you’ll get a healthier meal.

Food doesn’t have to be right out of the garden.

You can use frozen and canned fruits and vegetables when you make your own meals. Canned or frozen food not only saves you money but be fresher. Frozen food is picked and immediately processed and frozen, unlike the produce in groceries that are picked early, transported to market and been on the shelf for a while. Canned food has slightly fewer nutrients but is still a good option. Always read ingredients to make sure there are no additives.

When you plan meals ahead, you reap savings.

Meal planning is a huge benefit for your budget. There’s no waste. Are chicken breasts on the menu? Buy a whole chicken and use the rest of the parts for other meals, like tasty healthy wings, chicken salad or soup. Soup is the great budget saver. You can use the extra parts from the chicken for the broth and chicken bits and any leftover veggies from the week for a delicious, just add salad meal. You also can double up the recipe and freeze for later, using the stove less.

Find less expensive types of protein.

Sure, steak is delicious, but eating it every night can be expensive and isn’t really that healthy. Use plant-based sources of protein to save money. A meatless Monday can include brown rice and red beans for a complete protein. Canned tuna is also another savings that’s healthy. Always read the label and make sure it’s just tuna and water. It’s a healthy option that’s versatile. Eggs, turkey, chicken, cottage cheese, hard cheese and yogurt are also good protein sources. Buy a whole chicken and cut it yourself for various meals during the week or freeze part of it for another week.

  • One rewarding way people save money is by growing some of their own food. You don’t have to have a lot of land, just a sunny area for a container. Container gardening can provide many ingredients for pennies.
  • Find in-season bargains on fruits and vegetables on the grocery shelves, since many local farmers sell to local grocers. If you drive through a country area with roadside stands, stop and shop for bargains.
  • Choosing organic can help prevent ingesting toxic chemicals and pesticides, but not all produce needs to be organic. Choose non-organic food from the Clean 15 list created by the EWG. It’s the list of non-organic produce with little or no pesticides.
  • Buy in bulk and freeze the extra. You’ll be amazed at what can be frozen, including butter and nuts. You can also spend a morning with the family at a You-Pick farm for more savings and get a good workout at the same time.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym

Workouts That Tone Legs Fast

Workouts That Tone Legs Fast

No matter what the weather, getting muscles toned is important for your overall health and safety. It can help functional fitness. It can help prevent falls and aid with getting up if you do, help with lifting things and reaching in high places. Here are workouts that can help you tone your legs quickly. You’ll look great, feel stronger and have more flexibility and endurance.

Bodyweight exercises are great for toning your legs.

You don’t need equipment for bodyweight exercises. One of the best to tone legs is squats. This versatile exercise can be modified to tone all the muscles in your legs. Traditional squats target the glutes, quads and hamstrings that support the body. Feet should be slightly wider than shoulder width. Lower the body keeping the back straight, then raise it again. For a sumo squat that works the inner thighs more, feet are wider apart and toes pointed outward. You can do a walking squat, squat jump, split squat and a number of others to work other muscles for total toning.

Lunges are another favorite you can do anywhere.

Again, lunges are modified to work muscles in different ways. They improve functional fitness by improving your balance and hip flexibility. All lunges start with learning the traditional lunge. You put one foot forward with your knee bent and feet flat to the floor. The other foot remains behind and as you put weight on the forward foot, bending the knee, you lower the back knee to the floor with the heel lifted and toe touching. Then step back to starting position and move the other leg forward. There are dozens of modified ways to work different muscles and in different ways.

Plank leg lifts and a glute bridge are two of the exercises that work core and leg muscles.

Plank leg lifts build upper leg strength and so does a glute bridge. A glute bridge starts by laying on your back with knees bent and feet hip width apart and flat on the floor. Contract your stomach muscles to flatten your back, pushing your hips upward as you exhale and squeeze your glutes. Lower back to starting position as you exhale. Step-ups, single-leg deadlifts and box jumps are also good for toning leg muscles.

  • Mountain climbers are excellent for the legs. Start in plank position, then alternate bringing one leg to your chest at a time, like you’re walking or climbing a mountain. Slowly increase your pace.
  • Try a one-legged squat called a Belgium split squat. You simply put one foot on a coffee table or chair behind you as you lower yourself into a squat on one leg.
  • Don’t forget your ankles. You can go up on toe and do calf raises, stair calf raises, plie squat while raising your heels and walking. Jumping jacks, jumping rope and riding a bike also help.
  • Alternate leg days. You can spend one day doing regular exercises and another day doing fun things that work the whole body, like swimming, dancing and skiing. Challenge yourself more and record your progress.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym