
Simple Strategies To Achieving Health Goals

Simple Strategies To Achieving Health Goals

We take a holistic approach at Rising Fitness in Houston, TX. It uses several strategies to help you reach your health goals. These are simple. You need good nutrition via a healthy diet, the right type of exercise based on science, and a community-first approach to ensure you have quality information. Reaching fitness goals doesn’t have to be difficult. Some simple strategies can help make it easier. It all starts with creating an achievable goal and believing it’s possible.

Do you have to lose a challenging fitness goal?

If you want to run a marathon but always lived a sedentary lifestyle, the thought of running a full marathon can be extremely daunting. You have to start small and build up to that point. The same is true of any fitness goal. Breaking it down into manageable bites makes it more palatable. Instead of losing 40 pounds, the thought of losing 2 pounds a week for 20 weeks is far easier to envision. If you can picture it, you can achieve it. Break down your big goal into smaller ones.

Don’t try to do too much initially without getting the basics.

One reason to have a personal trainer is to stay motivated to do more. However, everyone is different. Some people try to do too much when they first start a workout program. Instead of focusing on form and taking it slowly as their body acclimates to exercise, some people push themselves too hard, sacrificing form in the process. They injure muscles or are too sore to work out for a week. Take it slower at first. Focus on form. As you get fitter, push yourself harder. You’ll have some sore muscles, but not debilitating pain.

Incorporate your fitness goals into your daily routine.

Schedule your workout and do it at the same time each day. When you schedule it, it becomes a priority. You’ll work around it like you would at a doctor’s appointment. It will become a habit that is hard to break. You’ll increase your stamina and strength by changing a few everyday activities. Park further from the store and walk. Take the stairs instead of the elevator. Carry your groceries into the house, lifting as many bags as you can safely.

  • Have a plan of action when you workout. List the exercises you’ll be doing, the number of reps, and sets. Track your progress and make it a game to achieve the next level.
  • If healthy eating is a goal after spending a lifetime as a junk food junkie, start by taking one step at a time. First give up food with added sugar, then processed foods, increasing fruit and vegetable intake as you do.
  • Reward yourself. When you’ve reached a difficult goal, it’s time for a reward. It can be anything from new gym clothes to an afternoon nap or a day at the spa.
  • Never give up. Even if you eat a whole cake, it doesn’t mean you failed. Just start back the next day, determined to eat healthier. It’s not the end of the world if you miss a workout and shouldn’t end your exercise program.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym