Exercises You Can Do In Bed For A Flat Stomach

You don’t have to jump out of bed and start exercising first thing in the morning. You can ease into your day with these exercises you can do in bed. These are excellent if you want a flat stomach and can boost circulation to help clear the cobwebs and get your day off to a great start. One is very simple. Some call it a suction exercise when done standing, but you can do it sitting and realign the abdominal muscles. It’s especially good after pregnancy.

You’ll get quick results from the suction exercise modified for the bed.

When doing the suction exercise in bed, sit cross-legged placing your hands on your abdomen. Inhale deeply, expanding your stomach. Exhale while sucking in the abdominal muscles. Blow out as much air as possible as you try to pull your stomach toward your spine. Hold in your stomach while you take deep breaths. Place your hands on your stomach to monitor how well you’re doing. With each exhale, pull your stomach in further. You can do these standing up.

More traditional workouts can be done in bed.

You can do an abdominal crunch or reverse crunch in bed, too. Lie with your knees bent and feet flat on the bed. Put your hands behind your head for neck support. Raise your upper body and hold. Reverse crunches are similar, but you lift your feet off the bed, with your thighs forming an angle. Lift your head, as you raise your legs so your thighs are perpendicular to the bed. Hold for a few seconds, then slowly lower both the head and legs.

Leg scissors and bicycles are fun to do and can boost your circulation.

You’ll be boosting your brain power, while you work your abs when you do a few sets of leg scissors or bicycles. Both are similar. With the bicycle exercise, you lift your legs and move them in a pedaling motion. With scissors, raise your legs as high as possible, pointing your toes toward the ceiling. Raise one leg as you lower the other in a chopping motion. Repeat for 20 to 30 repetitions.

  • Lay flat with your hands by your sides, knees bent and feet flat on the bed, Outstretch your hands and lift your upper body to create a V. Hold for a few seconds then lift your feet off the bed slightly and hold.
  • Don’t hold your breath as you hold your muscle tight, but do exhale as you pull in your stomach, attempting to force all the air out of your lungs with pressure from your abs. Focus. Be more aware of how the muscles feel when you tighten them.
  • You can do scissor kicks at any height. It doesn’t matter if you keep your feet an inch off the bed or raise your toes toward the ceiling. It works abdominal muscles.
  • You can do many traditional abdominal exercises in bed. Our trainers at Rising Fitness in Houston will help you find ones that will fit your needs.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym



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