Foods That Give You More Energy

Everyone has probably felt the 3 pm slump and looked for food that could supply more energy to get them through to the end of the day. You feel like your body’s energy is nothing more than a puddle beneath your feet. Often people reach for a sugary treat at this time, which is the worst possible choice. It does boost energy for a short time but then drops it even further into the abyss. Some foods help boost your energy and keep you going longer. Eating those foods during meals and as snacks can help solve the problem.

High fiber foods keep your energy higher for longer and keep your blood sugar in check.

A rise in blood sugar gives you the energy. When you eat sweets, your body gets a blast of energy that drops just as quickly. If you eat food with fiber, the fiber slows the absorption of sugar and keeps blood glucose level. Foods high in fiber include fresh produce like apples, oranges, and other fruits. Other foods high in fiber that slowly introduce glucose include sweet potatoes and brown rice. Including them in a meal can help keep energy high.

Eat a hard-boiled egg, hummus, or edamame.

Hard-boiled eggs contain vitamin B12 and many other B vitamins necessary for energy creation. Low levels of B12 can cause fatigue. Hummus is made from chickpeas. Like other beans, they are a source of magnesium. Magnesium helps your cells make energy. Edamame are immature soybeans. They’re blanched or boiled and served as a snack. They’re also high in fiber, folic acid, protein, and carbs to slowly increase your energy.

Consider adding tuna or salmon to your diet.

Fatty fish increase the amount of omega-3 fatty acids in your diet. Fatty fish are also high in vitamin B12, which aids folate in making red blood cells. B12 also improves the use of iron in the body. Having more red blood cells and using iron more efficiently increases your energy. Tuna and salmon also contain leucine, which stimulates the production of energy.

  • Drink some water for a boost of energy. Often, mild dehydration can cause drowsiness. Cold water is frequently a better “picker-upper” than coffee containing caffeine, a stimulant to boost energy.
  • Grab a handful of nuts. Nuts and seeds provide energy and contain nutrients that benefit the body. Homemade trail mix allows you to control the ingredients that offer the best boost.
  • Dark chocolate with a high cacao content can boost your energy by increasing blood flow and brain functioning. You can dip nuts in a small amount of dark chocolate and get a double boost.
  • Have a cup of unsweetened Greek yogurt topped with fresh or frozen berries with a sprinkle of walnuts or pecans on top. The protein and carbohydrate combination will keep you going for hours.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym



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