How To Overcome Gym Anxiety

How many times have you vowed to start working out and decide you’ll join a gym the next day, but you don’t? It may be a lack of confidence or fear of working out that’s causing gym anxiety and stopping you in your tracks. Many people fear being judged by others, especially if they aren’t in shape or overweight. Perfectionists also fear going to the gym. They fear they won’t be able to do each exercise perfectly. All of this can cause anxiety and stop you from becoming a healthier, fitter version of yourself.

Gym anxiety can start after a physical illness or injury.

After a serious illness or injury, many people are reluctant to workout. It’s a particularly well-known problem for people who have just suffered a heart attack. If the doctor recommends you start exercising, but you’re afraid to exercise, work with a personal trainer. The same is true of people who are returning after an injury. Let the trainer know everything about your condition so they can tailor the workout to safely fit your needs. .

Don’t be ashamed of where you’re at today, just focus on where you’ll be in a year.

Some people worry too much about what others will think. They worry they’re too fat or too uncoordinated and won’t be able to do all the exercises. Some people who were once in shape are ashamed of themselves and think others will think badly of them too. The truth is, in most cases, none of this will happen. Most people are so focused on their workout that they don’t watch others. Many of these people have gone or are going through the same anxiety as you are. Once you realize that, you’ll overcome gym anxiety.

Gym anxiety can occur if you aren’t sure what to do.

Uncertainty may occur if you’re unfamiliar with the gym procedures and etiquette. That’s easy to solve. Ask lots of questions before joining. Find out what a typical visit to the gym would be like, including where you change. Get as familiar with the new gym as possible by checking online or taking a tour. Hiring a trainer can provide structure and help you develop your exercise expertise, including showing you the right form for every exercise.

  • You may have anxiety if the gym is crowded and noisy. After the pandemic, many people fear crowds. The staff can help you find a time that has less traffic or you can work with a trainer in private sessions.
  • Having a friendly face and someone to talk with at the gym can be reassuring and help you overcome gym anxiety. Exercise with a friend. You’ll be far less intimidated and uncomfortable when you’re with someone else who is also new.
  • You can relieve anxiety by permitting yourself to leave after a few exercises the first few times. It won’t take long before you’ll stay for the whole workout.
  • Overcome gym anxiety by going to the gym, even if you force yourself the first few times. Your anxiety will diminish with each visit and eventually be just a memory.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym



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