Know The Symptoms Of Heat Stroke While Exercising

During the summer, Houston, Texas, can get sizzling hot. That can bring on a series of heat related conditions. Two of the most common conditions are heat stroke and heat exhaustion. Heat exhaustion occurs when sweating too much causes dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. Heat stroke occurs when the body can no longer control its internal temperature. Heat exhaustion can become heat stroke and heat stroke is the most dangerous of the two. It helps to know the symptoms of heat stroke for both your health and the health of those around you. This serious condition needs immediate attention.

The color of the skin can tell you a lot.

If your skin is bright red and it’s not normal for you, it’s a symptom of heat stroke. It’s easy to see, so just ask someone or if you’re with a friend whose face turned beet red, get them out of the sun. The lack of internal temperature control can cause your skin to flush, but so can other things. Don’t push it if this happens while you’re exercising, get into a cool place. Besides red skin, your skin will be dry. This is also a symptom of heat exhaustion, which can lead to heat stroke. Take five, get out of the heat and plan your next exercise session in air conditioning.

Do you feel a little woozy or is your friend slurring their speech.

You’ll probably know something feels strange if you have heat stroke. It can cause you to feel agitated, confused and irritable. If you’re with a friend who is showing signs, other symptoms include slurred speech, a coma and seizures. All of these will definitely realize how dangerous this situation is. You may feel wobbly or dizzy. A throbbing headache is also a symptom.

Nausea, vomiting and increase in your body temperature signal there’s a problem.

If you have availability of a thermometer, take your temperature. Heat stroke causes your internal temperature to rise disturbingly high, which is one reason it’s so dangerous. The dehydration that occurs with heat stroke can make you feel nauseous. That can lead to vomiting and vomiting can make you even more dehydrated.

  • Heat stroke can cause irregular breathing and changes to your breathing pattern. Your breathing will be more rapid, but short and shallow. It may feel like it’s beating out of your chest. Your pulse may be rapid, but still strong.
  • Muscle cramps occur during or right before heat stroke. It occurs because of the loss of water and electrolytes when you sweat. If you start getting cramps, it might be time to drink a sports drink and take your workout to an air-conditioned area.
  • If your face is beet red and you don’t have a drip of sweat, you may be experiencing heat stroke. If you’re so hot, sweating doesn’t cool your body, it may simply quit sweating. Watch for both excessive sweat and lack of sweat, both are foreboding of a problem.
  • Error on the side of caution when it comes to heat stroke. If you’re or your friend is experiencing any of these symptoms, move to a cooler area. Find ways to get your body cooler, like cold compresses. Call 911 if body temperature is higher than 104 or unconsciousness occurs.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym



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