Smart Pre-Workout Foods

You need to fuel your body before a workout, contrary to many opposing myths. However, choosing the right food and focusing on the timing is extremely important when choosing pre-workout foods. The closer you get to the time you workout, the less you should eat. You need fuel, but it shouldn’t come from fat either, but be a blend of carbs and protein. Studies show that the right type of fuel can improve your performance and a study involving cyclists showed it even helps burn more fat. There are some good examples of beneficial pre-workout foods that will help you achieve your goals.

Your pre-workout should be approximately 60% carbs and the rest protein.

If you’re going to eat a completely well-balanced meal, make sure it’s at least an hour or two before you workout, to avoid digestive issues. If you’re going to opt for the snack route, eat it about a half hour before working out. It should be approximately 100 to 200 calories and contain carbs that are easy to digest. You can keep it simple with a sandwich. Whether you make a half sandwich from a single slice of bread or a whole sandwich made from two and topped with peanut butter and bananas.

It’s easy to get the right blend, just combine healthy carbs with a protein.

You need the quick fuel carbs provide and the slower burning protein for the best performance. What are some examples? Try apple slices with nut butter. Greek yogurt and nuts both provide protein, so combining them with fresh berries or other type of fruit is also a good pre-workout snack. You can toss in banana slices or put everything in a blender and freeze it for a change of pace.

Drink a smoothie at home before you go to the gym.

Make a fruit smoothie and drink it ½ hour or an hour before you go to the gym. Add protein powder, milk or other source of protein to the smoothie. If it takes a half hour to get to the gym, make a fruit smoothie and drink it on the way. Fruit smoothies are high in natural sugars to give your body the boost it needs. They also contain phytochemicals that are good for your health. If you want a far simpler option, you can consume a half hour before working out, consider a handful of nuts with dates, raisins or other dried fruit.

  • Have you ever made a stuffed date? They’re good pre-workout snacks. Open a pitted date by slicing it down the side and stuffing it with nut butter or cream cheese. Top it with fresh berries, dried fruit or nuts.
  • Don’t forget veggies and dip. You can make healthy hummus at home with chickpeas and use it as dip for sliced vegetables. Make a cucumber hummus bite by topping a slice of cucumber with hummus and topping it with a half a cherry tomato.
  • A dish of oatmeal topped with fresh fruit will provide energy. You can even add a bit of honey as a sweetener and chopped nuts or seeds to provide the protein.
  • Be careful of having too much fat in your pre-workout snack. It digests slowly and can cause digestive issues that will affect your workout. Make sure you have adequate protein to build muscle tissue and carbs to provide energy.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym



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