Understanding The Importance Of Portion Control

Occasionally eating a small slice of cake or pie won’t affect your weight loss program much. However, if you eat an entire pie or cake and do it every day, you won’t lose weight. Portion control plays a vital role in weight loss. Portion control is more important for some foods than it is for others. For instance, you can eat as many leafy green vegetables as you want without worry but need to watch portions when consuming higher-calorie foods, even if they are fruit or vegetables. Avocados are one example and nuts are another where portion control makes a difference.

You have to know portion size first.

You might be fooled when eating in a restaurant and think you’re getting one serving size. Knowing portions helps. Eating only one portion of each type of food on the plate and asking for a to-go box for the rest can save your weight loss program. It also provides a meal for later. A portion of meat should be the size of the palm of your hand, while vegetables and salads should be fist-size.

To cut back on high-calorie snacks, separate the large bag into individual portions.

It’s too easy to eat an entire bag of chips, but if you count out 15 chips ahead and put them in a bag, you have a one portion serving. When you cook at home, divide the food into portions and store the rest immediately. Avoid mindless eating. If you’re watching a TV program or video, take a break from watching if you’re going to snack and enjoy every morsel. Tracking your food intake throughout the day and keeping a food journal will also make you more aware of what, when, where, and why you’re eating. Not everyone eats just because they’re hungry.

Using smaller plates is one tip for portion control.

The larger the plate, the smaller your serving size looks. Using a small plate makes you feel like you’re getting more food. Make sure your plate is half filled with vegetables that aren’t starchy. Potatoes count as a carbohydrate that should take another fourth of the plate. The last fourth should be a lean protein source You should also have ½ tablespoon of fat.

  • A cup of rice or pasta is one serving, which is the size of a tennis ball. If you eat a portion of cheese, it’s the size of four dice put together. One serving of peanut butter is the size of one golf ball.
  • When eating in a restaurant, skip the appetizer and either split a meal with a friend, ask for a half portion, or set half aside and take it home for later.
  • When you maintain portion control, you’ll find losing weight and maintaining that weight loss is easier. You’ll be able to eat smaller amounts of your favorite food without feeling guilty.
  • Include no-calorie drinks with every meal. Start your meal with a glass of water. You can make it more appealing by infusing fruit or vegetables. It doesn’t add calories, just flavor. Herbal tea, green tea, or coffee can be sipped throughout the meal.

For more information, contact us today at Rising Fitness Gym



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