What Everybody Ought To Know About Fish Oil

If you’re one of the millions of people who take fish oil, you probably take it for a specific ailment. Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids that can improve heart and brain health. The body requires omega-3 to function properly, but it cannot produce it, so it must come from food. It can aid in treating conditions such as depression, asthma, some autoimmune diseases, ADHA, and rheumatoid arthritis. A study at one of the most dangerous prisons in the UK found that increasing omega-3 and providing a nutrient-dense diet significantly reduced violent acts.

Not all omega-3 supplements are equal.

The omega-3 in fish oil is different from the omega-3 in flaxseed oil. Fish oil contains long-chain omega-3s, DHA and EPA. Flaxseed oil contains short-chain omega-3s—ALA. While the body can’t make any omega-3 fatty acids, it can convert ALA to DHA and EPA, but not efficiently, so you’d have to consume far more to get the amount you need. ALA from plants is also associated with prostate cancer, while DHA and EPA from fish oil aren’t.

Fish oil supplements may help relieve rheumatoid arthritis.

Fish oil may help relieve the swelling and pain from rheumatoid arthritis. One study focused on whether it could reduce the amount of anti-inflammatory drugs subject needed to relieve pain. Many of the patients in the study confirmed it did. They reported it also helped reduce the stiffness felt in the morning. The omega-3 in fish oil helps reduce the inflammatory cytokines that signal the immune system to attack without affecting the correct balance of T-cells, white blood cells that protect the body from bacteria, viruses, and other invaders.

You might boost your brain, heart, and eye health with fish oil.

Even though omega-3 fatty acids play an important role in heart, brain, and eye health, there’s no concrete evidence that taking omega-3 supplements is beneficial. When you consume food, all the nutrients in the food act in synergy in many cases, improving the benefits of all of them. The AHA—American Heart Association—recommends eating fish but doesn’t recommend fish oil supplements. They found the supplements only beneficial for people with specific types of heart disease.

  • Another reason consuming food with omega-3 may be better than taking supplements considers what you don’t eat. If you’re eating fish, you aren’t eating foods that aren’t beneficial to the heart or even harmful.
  • There’s conflicting evidence on whether taking omega-3 fatty acids can help prevent age-related eye disease and age-related cognitive decline. There was no evidence showing it prevented the problems.
  • Omega-3 fish oil supplements are being studied for a variety of conditions, including allergies, diabetes, asthma, obesity, Crohn’s, and osteoporosis. The studies haven’t proven or disproven the fish oil benefits.
  • Even though the prison study on the effects of omega-3 and aggression showed benefits, it doesn’t mean fish oil supplements can help. Consuming fish or other sources of omega-3 is the best way to get the healthiest results.

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